Globe valveCagedThrottlingGlobe valves have good throttling ability, which permits its use in regulating flows. This paper aims to understand in detail the globe valve with different cage configurations and its impact on the flow characteristics that was carried out.Design/methodology/approach The ...
Flow characteristics of any valve refer to the relationship between the flow of the medium and the opening/closing of the valve. When discussing flow characteristics due to only the valve, they are referred to as inherent flow characteristics. But in practice, the entire system flow characteristics...
Flow Characteristics: Linear, EQ%, on-off; Leakage/Metal Seat/Soft Seat: ANSI Class V, Vhs/ ANSI Class VI; Plug Size: 1/8''(6A)-8''(200A); Medim: Steam/Liquid; Actuator 1: 1-X280 Pneumatic Diaphragm Actuator; Actuator 2: 1-X400 Pneumatic Cyilnder Actuator; Media: Gas; Temp...
Reduced Capacity & Low Flow Trim Cryogenic Configuration Tight Shutoff Environmental Packing Advanced Digital Positioning & Control Reliable Rugged top-guiding of the plug promotes maximum valve stability under adverse conditions. The inherent ruggedness of the 21000 Series is field-proven, with thousands...
1. Pneumatic Single-Seat Globe Control Valve (GAZJHP) Characteristics: This product is composed of the pneumatic multi-springs, pneumatic actuator and the low flow resistance sleeve. This valve uses the balanced valve core, the unbalanced force is small, the permission pressure differential is big...
2,High precision flow characteristics can bring the "ideal" flow Adopting high precision flow characteristic curve as the standard technical parameters, to achieve the "ideal" flow theory. The process gain stability; computer simulation, valve opening degree of process control conditions, ...
Cage or cage type single seat valve bodies can also be easily modified by replacing the valve internals to change the flow characteristics or provide reduced capacity flow, noise attenuation, or to reduce or eliminate cavitation. Globe control valve composition: Globe control valve is composed of ...
Globe Control Valve Product name and technical advantages 咨询我们 产品介绍 资料下载 产品名称:Globe调节阀 品牌名称:艾坦姆 产品简介: 一、:Globe调节阀应用区域和产品范围: G110\G150系列调节阀大量用于石油化工、煤化工、基础化工、精细化工、冶金、热电等领域对介质的流量、温度、压力、液位精确调节; 执行机...
GET GLOBE VALVE FLOW DIRECTION INFORMATION Globe Valve Direction of Flow Globe valveshave become one of the most-used valves in companies in almost every industry. And with their ability to start, stop, and throttle fluid flow within a pipeline, it’s easy to see why. ...
501T、551T、顶部导向型单座调节阀、Control Valve、Globe Valves 产品简介 501T顶部导向型单座调节阀、511T顶部导向型角式调节阀、具有体积小,结构简单,应用 的特点。适用于非空化的液体以及噪音在规定范围内的蒸汽、气体的场合。 551T 于JIS10K、ANSI(JPI)150#的场合,具有交货期短,便宜的特点。 520T适用于小...