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Site Head of Plant Singapore Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific Pte Ltd www.infineon.com Singapore 谢谢你的跟进。很高兴认识你和其他出席者。与其他领导人分享和交流对各种主题的看法非常好。食物非常棒,氛围也很好。我期待在未来参加更多的活动。这些会议是只接受邀请,还是我们根据活动日历自己报名? Director, Med...
很高兴能够在轻松的环境下认识一些不同的人。 Head of Insurance Pricing The AA www.theaa.com London, United Kingdom 再次感谢昨天的愉快活动。我遇到了一些有趣的人,喜欢这种气氛和你们的热情! Vice President Corporate Human Resources: Gateway Europe South Schindler Management Ltd....
VINSSEN is collaborating with Shell Singapore Pte. Ltd. (Shell) as the project sponsor, Seatrium Limited as the project developer, Penguin International Limited as the owner and operator of the vessel, and Air Liquide Singapore Private Limited as the hydrogen supplier. ...
19 Contact For more information please contact: Peter Fredell, CEO peter.fredell@seamless.se +46 8 564 878 00 Daniel Hilmgård, CFO daniel.hilmgard@seamless.se +46 8 564 878 00 20 Seamless Distribution AB (publ) Box 6234...
Allianz SE www.allianz.de Munich, Germany "I enjoyed the dinner and found it informative in terms of other people/organisations challenges and thoughts. The mix of people and industries was good and the size of the group meant that it was easy to get some time with all attendees. I would...
Allianz SE www.allianz.de Munich, Germany "The executive dinner was very interesting; I enjoyed the small participants circle." Customs Compliance BMW Group www.bmwgroup.com Munich, Germany "I thought the event was very useful for networking, as well as gaining insights into how challenges relat...
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