Use the Pre-logon (Always On), Pre-logon then On-demand, or User-log on (Always On) connect method to access the network using an internal gateway. In the App Configurations area, select one of the following Connect Method options: User-logon (Always On)—The GlobalProtect app automatic...
Although the VPN portal may encounter difficulties prompting credentials on the login screen, following the steps provided above, you should bypass the GlobalProtect pre-logon loop to get the sign-in prompt back. In conclusion, you can check our detailed guide onGlobalProtect not connectingand some...
Recommendations Troubleshooting GlobalProtect MTU Issues GlobalProtect: Pre-Logon Authentication SSL Inspection issues with GlobalProtect users GlobalProtect: Authentication Policy with MFA GlobalProtect VPN Issues Issues with GlobalProtect 6.3.0 GlobalProtect FIDO2 Support and Browser Issues ...
Based on the log below, it appears that UDP traffic which maintains the ipsec tunnel is missing keepalives which is causing the tunnel to drop. (T8656) 04/01/20 13:56:18:441 Info ( 921): --Too many outstanding keepalive and no response from GP gateway, disconnect...
[*] Portal Pre-logon Cookie: empty [*] Portal User-auth Cookie: NzFkZjM0NGJlNjQ0NGEyMzQyMDQ4MmY3ZWE1ZWY1Y2ZhN2FiNTEyNDg0OTJhNWI0NTlhNjkzZjNmMDE2MTYzNzAyMjAzNWE2MGY0Y2I0YmVlMWIyNzExNGYzMTQwYTA5YTY3MTFjNDQ2MmQ3MjQ4NTE5MDEzYzU1OWQ4MzgwYjU= [*] Collecting HIP profile data ...
[*] Portal Pre-logon Cookie: empty [*] Portal User-auth Cookie: NzFkZjM0NGJlNjQ0NGEyMzQyMDQ4MmY3ZWE1ZWY1Y2ZhN2FiNTEyNDg0OTJhNWI0NTlhNjkzZjNmMDE2MTYzNzAyMjAzNWE2MGY0Y2I0YmVlMWIyNzExNGYzMTQwYTA5YTY3MTFjNDQ2MmQ3MjQ4NTE5MDEzYzU1OWQ4MzgwYjU= [*] Collecting HIP profile data ...
<pre-logon-tunnel-rename-timeout>-1</pre-logon-tunnel-rename-timeout> < <preserve-tunnel-upon-user-logoff-timeout>0</preserve-tunnel-upon-user-logoff-timeout> < <ipsec-failover-ssl>0</ipsec-failover-ssl> < <display-tunnel-fallback-notification>yes</display-tunnel-fallback-notification>...
[2020-04-13 21:20:20] < <pre-logon-tunnel-rename-timeout>-1</pre-logon-tunnel-rename-timeout> [2020-04-13 21:20:20] < <preserve-tunnel-upon-user-logoff-timeout>0</preserve-tunnel-upon-user-logoff-timeout> [2020-04-13 21:20:20] < <ipsec-failover-ssl>0</ipsec-failover-ssl...
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The next step is to configure the agent settings within the portal config. Our config is being configured as Always On, but this is not technically required for Autopilot to work. If you do not want an Always On user connection, set ‘Connect Method‘ to ‘Pre-logon then On-Demand‘. ...