The goal here is to force users to authenticate in the portal web page to be able to download the agent. Ex. for the 64bit agent : https://<my-portal-address>/global-protect/getmsi.esp?version=64&platform=windows If yes, could you please share the steps to solve it ?
L1 Bithead 07-04-202302:40 PM Hi, everybody. I am unable to install GlobalProtect (64 bits). I need it to connect to my work VPN. When I open the installer, the following message appears: "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A dll required for this install ...
See the list of addressed issues in GlobalProtect app 5.2 for Android, iOS, Chrome, Windows, Windows 10 UWP, and macOS.
Bit more info On my laptop - one of the ones not working. I can uninstall GP. I make sure i have a cert in my machine cert store. I browse to gp portal and login and download client and install gp. it runs and I login and it attachs me to the internal network. when i open...
Loading Dump File [C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP] Kernel Bitmap Dump File: Only kernel address space is available *** Symbol Path validation summary *** Response Time (ms) Location Deferred SRV*C:\Windows\symbol_cache* Symbol search path is: SRV*C:...
We are trying to understand why the download speed is really slow vía GP.We stablish a VPN GP with IPsec without Split Tunneling. We acces to some public web to download a test file. Im downloading a 1G file.If we download without GP but through the Palo Alto we achieve 60MB/s, ...