The Kalman–Bucy filter generates an error dynamics for the systems state whose zero equilibrium is uniformly globally exponentially stable (UGES), provided the corresponding LTV system satisfies the assumption of uniform complete observability (UCO). See Definition 1 for the definition of this ...
The equilibrium point of the autopilot error dynamics is proven to be globally exponentially stable (GES). The main result is a time-varying vector field guidance law in cascade with the autopilot. A theorem ensures that the equilibrium point of the cascaded system is uniformly semiglobally ...
globally uniformly on \([0,\infty )\) . 1.2 related results and discussion to put our work in perspective, we first briefly outline the most important developments on the problem of stability of self-similar blowup for wave maps. then, we illustrate how the approach of this paper ...
Romero, J., Ortega, R.: A globally exponentially stable tracking controller for mechanical systems with friction using position feedback. In: Proceedings of the 9th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems 2013, pp. 371–376J. G. Romero, R. Ortega, and I. Sarras, "A Globally ...