Globalization of national surgical, obstetric and anesthesia plans: the critical link between health policy and action in global surgery Paul Truché, Haitham Shoman, Ché L. Reddy, Desmond T. Jumbam… Article:1 Download PDF (1044KB) View Article Research Bibliometric analysis of peer-reviewe...
Globalization and Health BioMed Central Research Open Access Tobacco industry issues management organizations: Creating a global corporate network to undermine public health Patricia A McDaniel, Gina Intinarelli and Ruth E Malone* Address: Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, School of Nursing,...
Globalization's Positive Health Even as this neoliberal model of global market integration strengthened its grip on countries' economic policies, civil society movements, the foreign aid arms of governments, and several UN agencies were emphasizing the social dimensions of global health development. Key...
Globalization, migration health, and educational preparation for transnational medical encounters [versao eletronica]. Globalization and Health, 2(2). Retirado em 10 fevereiro 2006, de content/2/1/2.Koehn PH. Globalization, migration health, and educational ...
Globalization and Health (2023) 19:29 Globalization and Health RESEARCH Open Access Globalization and the health and well-being of migrant domestic workers in Malaysia Denise L. Spitzer1,2* , Shanthi Thambiah3, Yut Lin Wong4 and Manimaran ...
This article presents a history of efforts by the World Health Organization and its most important ally, the World Federation for Medical Education, to strengthen and standardize international medical education. This aspect of WHO activity has been large
In 2003, governments adopted the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the world’s first global health treaty. In the decade since the treaty was adopted by 178 member states of the World Health Organization, there have been substantial achievements
Tiered pricing - the concept of selling drugs and vaccines in developing countries at prices systematically lower than in industrialized countries - has received widespread support from industry, policymakers, civil society, and academics as a way to imp
As a recognized win–win-win approach to international debt relief, Debt-to-Health(D2H)has successfully translated debt repayments into investments in health-related projects. Although D2H has experienced modifications and periodic suspension, it has been playing an increasingly important role in resourc...
There is a need to rethink current PPR financing and its relationship to global health financing writ large, in order to address and respond to known PPR and global governance and financing challenges. What do the new findings imply? If new global PPR initiatives such as the Pandemic Fund are...