总部设在法国巴黎 国际货币基金组织(InternationalMonetary Fund--IMF)总部设在华盛顿 7 theimprovedqualityofproductsduetoglobalcompetition SpreadofTechnicalKnow-How Employment Positive Investmentand EffectsofGlobalization SpreadofEducation CapitalFlows Spreadof Culture ForeignTrade 8 9 10 ...
3、World Trade Organization - WTO)总部设在瑞士日内瓦莱蒙湖畔总部设在瑞士日内瓦莱蒙湖畔 8the improved quality of products due to global competitionEmploymentInvestment and Capital FlowsForeign TradeSpread of Technical Know-HowSpread of CultureSpread of EducationPositive Positive Effects of Effects of Global...
调动. mobilization 调动 ...the mobilization of resources for education. …调动教育资源。 erosion Para.8 the process by which the surface of the earth is worn away by the action of water, glaciers, winds, waves, etc. 侵蚀 Soil deterioration and low quality of water due to erosion and run...
Investment and Capital Flows Foreign Trade Spread of Technical Know-How Spread of Culture Spread of Education Positive Effects of Globalization Though challenges and opportunities co-exist, there are more opportunities than challenges. Thank you
Text A The Empire Strikes Back Part II (Paras 4-7) substantial spending 巨额开支 It includes substantial spending increases for health care, education and the development of alternative energy sources. 这项预算包括增加医疗保健,教育和可再生能源发展的巨额开支。 Text A The Empire Strikes Back Part ...
talent.Globalorganization,theUN,WTO,worldtrade,multinationalcorporations,Microsoft,IBM,Toyota.Culturalaggression,Hollywoodmovies,Disney,internet,informationage,resourcesharing.Westernization,Americanization,westernfestivals,thecelebrationofValentine’sDayandChristmasworldwide 7 Thedefinitionofglobalizationandits...
ThemeaningofglobalizationAfterthe1990s,withtheglobalization‟spoweraffectinglevelsofexpansiononhumansociety,ithasgraduallyfocuscountries‟attentiononpolitics,education,socialandculture.Theycauseresearchupsurge.TherearestildifferentopinionsfromeachotheraboutthatGlobalizationinfluencesisgoodorbadatpresent.Dialoguesamples Interna...
I don't go along with her views on education. Detailed Analysis Part I Part II Part III Part IV 5. lengthy (Para. 3, line 7): [Adj.] very long, and often too long, in time or size 漫长的;冗长的 e.g. the lengthy process of obtaining a visa lengthy negotiations a length...