池化层(pooling layer,英文应该是这样,会有maxpooling和avgpooling等不同的pooling方法)的作用主要有两...
池化层(pooling layer,英文应该是这样,会有maxpooling和avgpooling等不同的pooling方法)的作用主要有两...
2470【32】GlobalAvgPoolSample算子增加对Atlas A2训练系列产品适配 已合并 Cori_Ander:mainAscend:master Cori_Ander创建于 2024-12-14 18:10 克隆/下载 暂无描述。 15提交2文件2检查代码问题0 i-robot成员2024年12月14日 LGTM NOTIFIER: This PR isLGTM. ...
change resnet Avgpool2d to Adaptive_AvgPool_2d 90b8528 would be enough, and explicit to the user. On the other hand, it hides a potential problem, which is that the pre-trained models might not work well if too big images are fed to the network, as they were trained to identify patt...