Another property of the real world, missing in our model so far, is that the real world is not everywhere the same temperature, and the heat fluxes to and from space do not necessarily balance at any given time or location. This is because the winds in the atmosphere and the currents in...
Earth is getting slightly warmer year by year. It's not really warming up noticeably—at least not in the short term. In fact, since 1900, the whole planet has warmed up only by around 1.1 degrees Celsius.[1]By the end of the 21st century, however, global warming is likely to...
In specific terms, an increase of 1 or more Celsius degrees in a period of one hundred to two hundred years would be considered global warming. Over the course of a single century, an increase of even 0.4 degrees Celsius would be significant. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IP...
1. Why does the true strength lie beneath the waves in the Southern Ocean? A.There is the deepest current in the world. B.There is the world’s largest current. C.There is severe cold climate in the South Pole. D.There are the strongest winds and strangest waves. ...
Given some of the data deficiencies in terms of temporal and spatial coverage, described in the following chapters, the purpose of this paper is not to produce a definitive quantification. At the current rate of progress in attribution research in meteorological science, we are still years away ...
23 February 2025 - Climate change is accelerating the melting of the world's mountain glaciers, according to a massive new study that found them shrinking more than twice as fast as in the early 2000s. ...And the last few years, the melt has accelerated even more, hitting a record 604...
Zonal winds play an important role in the production of PRE electric field, which is vital for the generation of plasma density irregularities (Rishbeth, 1971; Heelis et al., 2012; Abdu, 2005, 2019; Batista et al., 1986; Kudeki et al., 2007). Zonal winds also play an important role...
Being at the beach, roasting in the sun, is made a great deal more interesting by the winds, waves, and currents on which we can play. There is motion. Our climate is an expression of that motion, all of which is caused by the planet's energy steady state. Actually, the motion is...
Given some of the data deficiencies in terms of temporal and spatial coverage, described in the following chapters, the purpose of this paper is not to produce a definitive quantification. At the current rate of progress in attribution research in meteorological science, we are still years away ...
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