Chapter 3: The Toleration of Dual Citizenship: A Global Trend and its LimitsBaubck, RainerÖsterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse. Sitzungsberichte
three scenarios about the way the world could look in 2030 are introduced. The first is a reverse engines scenario, whereby the US becomes fairly isolationist, current conflicts erupt, the world economy slows, and even technology flatlines. In a fragmentation scenario, the lack of will to fix ...
As another mega trend of landscape development, so far not sufficiently recognized by global environmental policy, land abandonment is outlined. Examples and figures from all over the world are stated.This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. References ...
Chapter © 2021 1 Introduction In the fields of corporate governance and regulation, there is growing interest in the phenomenon of international or transnational corporate law,Footnote 1 which involves the creation and transmission of corporate governance laws and norms at a supranational level.Footn...
A comparable trend was reported for YLLs, which have increased from about three millions to slightly more than four millions. The burden of musculoskeletal diseases is particularly dramatically relevant in European countries and territories, being remarkable as well in developing countries. To counteract...
“Whether you're a trendsetting guy, a stylish gal, or if you have a slightly eccentric style, we wanted to deliver a timeless collection where everyone could find a new favorite piece in this urban collection inspired by DHL’s utilitarian aesthetic,” said Raya. “In line with DHL ...
Chapter Google Scholar Okamura M (2018) Jōmon no rettō bunka [The culture of the Jōmon archipelago]. Yamakawa, Tokyo Pfoundes C (1881) The Japanese people; their origin; and the race as it now exists. J Anthropol Inst Great Brit Ireland 10:225–230 Article Google Scholar Pomeranz ...
In the first stage, the nonstationary trend is removed from the time series. Then, the stationarity of the residuals is tested using the augmented Dickey-Fuller method. In the second stage, the residual time series is predicted using an ARMA model, while the solar radiation is finally ...
Trade growth has slowed since 2012 relative both to its strong historical performance and to overall economic growth. This chapter finds that the overall weakness in economic activity, in particular in investment, has been the primary restraint on trade growth, accounting for up to three-fourths of...
Chapter 5 looks at governance models in specific nations. Short histories are provided for the U.K., France, Germany, U.S.A., Japan, and China. In all cases, the authors point out the trend is a move away from "governance" of their institutions to market driven policies, evidence of ...