Non-native species were also intentionally introduced through agroterrorism regimes in World War II and the Cold War, such as the fungus Aspergillus that can disrupt harvest yields69. The French and German governments also had breeding programmes for at least 15 insect species with capacity to ...
Intel Report Global Risk Map Explore country-specific risk ratings based on a series of indicators including crime, health, natural disasters, political stability, and terrorism, and evolving regional threats to better prepare for the year ahead. ...
Intel Report Global Risk Map Explore country-specific risk ratings based on a series of indicators including crime, health, natural disasters, political stability, and terrorism, and evolving regional threats to better prepare for the year ahead. ...
Our legitimate interest in safeguarding against EY inadvertently dealing with the proceeds of criminal activities or assist in any other unlawful or fraudulent activities (for example, terrorism) EY/Ethicsprovides EY people, clients and others outside of EY with a means to confidentially, and either...
s increasingly dangerous and complicated world. The unique background and experience of our founding members allows us to provide our clients with a unique perspective on risk/threat assessment and independent investigation. In today’s world where terrorism is a common occurrence that must be taken...
David Evans is the Founder and International Chairman of TiNYg (Global Terrorism Network Group), which in 2021 celebrated its 16th year as the world’s largest ‘not for profit’ information sharing network in 150 countries, while also celebrated winning the ‘Outstanding Security Partners...
By the standards of terrorism that the Taliban themselves set in the last twenty years, the levels of of political violence are low. Internal resistance groups – primarily the National Resistance Front and the Afghan Freedom Front – are certainly active and attacking isolated Taliban targets. But...
A Threat-Response Model of Counter-Terrorism: Implications for Information Security and Infrastructure Risks (pages 39-49) William C. Wood (Department of Economics, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, USA), J. Brian O'Roark (Department of Economics and Legal Studies, Robert Morris Univers...
iran-s-apparent-supply-of-combat-drones-to-venezuela-highlights-terrorism-risks/6476585.html>, accessed 1 October 2024; Guy Martin, ‘Djibouti Operating Bayraktar UAVs’,DefenceWeb, 1 July 2022, <>, accessed 1 October 2024....
(WGI), including control of corruption, government effectiveness, rule of law, political stability and absence of violence/terrorism, voice and accountability. The technological environment is reflected by the internet infrastructure (the number of internet data centres and internet exchange centres), ...