The term “global warming” is based on an increasing trend in global average temperature over time. The IPCC reported in 2007 that “Global mean surface temperatures have risen by 0.74°C ± 0.18°C when estimated by a linear trend over the last 100 years (1906–2005).” [4AR, Chapter ...
The graph above represents the latest update; updates are usually made within the first week of every month. Contrary to some reports, the satellite measurements are not calibrated in any way with the global surface-based thermometer records of temperature. They instead use their own on-board pre...
After decades of alarmism about global warming frying the planet, the latest UAH satellite measures show warming of 0.01 [below] the average at the end of last century. No warming at all. And nothing that could cause all the catastrophes that have been claimed. You’ve heard this news on ...
2006. Dr Deming reveals that in 1995 a leading scientist emailed him saying“We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period”. A few years later, Michael Mann and the IPCC did just that by publishing the now throughly discredited hockey stick graph. ...
No one is arguing temperatures are going up and down over the last 30 years (as per the graph above) whilst CO2 rises almost steadily. But if CO2 is constantly rising how can this possibly be linked to the variable temperature record?
2slugs, the only thing recent history has shown re: temps and CO2 is that there is little evidence past some rather loose, short term correlations. Many decades in the past 160 years have negative correlations. Just like this one!
Both data and metadata can be accessed at http://, and in the R package 'laketemps'. Technical Validation Quality control and assurance of in situ data In order to efficiently assemble a complete product from the disparate data sources used ...
Global Cooling? Per NOAA, 5-Year Average U.S. Temps Cooled At -1.3°F/Century Trend For example, the NOAA web site produced this chart that allows analysis of average U.S. temperatures over 5-year periods (60-month periods). The chart starts in 1988 (5-years ending 1988) when NASA'...
last 100 years, so it is degrees difference from modern times. Over the last few hundred thousand years there has been a sequence of alternatingglacial ages(miniice ages) and "inter-glacial warm periods" (we've been in one for about 11,000 years). The data show that a glacial age ...
Agosta and Compagnucci, 2016“The climate in the North Atlantic Ocean during the Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3) —roughly between 80,000 years before present (B.P.) and 20,000 years B.P., within the last glacial period—is characterized by great instability, wit...