This graph plots daily global average surface air temperatures from the 1940s through 2023, so far. On November 17, the temperature anomaly reached +2.07°C above pre-industrial, while on November 18, it was +2.08°C. Comparison with 1850-1900 repr...
The term “temperature anomaly” means a departure from a reference value or long-term average. A positive anomaly indicates that the observed temperature was warmer than the reference value, while a negative anomaly indicates that the observed temperature was cooler than the reference value. The re...
SOME might argue that the latest global temperature, as measured by x15 NASA/NOAA AMSU (advanced microwave sounding unit) satellites, measuring literally every square inch of the lower troposphere (the exact place where ‘man-made global warming’ is supposed to occur) might be an anomaly caused...
This global temperature graph breaks down the change in monthly average temperatures over nearly 170 years against pre-industrial values.
". 3 Below in Figure 3 is a graph showing temperature changes on a very large timescale, deduced from a 1 mile bore-hole in the ice in Vostok. Figure 3 shows a number of cold ice-age periods with short, warm periods in-between. Figure 3. Temperature anomaly during the last 400 000...
This time-series graph plots global temperatures from 1850-2023 versus the 20th century average. 2023 stands out as the hottest year in that 173-year record. The temperature anomaly label for 2016 has been added to the graph to show how...
There is no global warming that is taking place atthe moment.Here is achart for the mean global temperature anomaly from the Hadley center.The above graph shows a linear warming of 0.44 deg C/ Century, and superimposed on this linear warming there is an oscillating component that moves up ...
UAH global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for September, 2018 was +0.14°C, down from +0.19°C in August: UAH Global Temperature Update for September, 2018: +0.14 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD Latest Global Average Tropospheric Temperatures ...
temperature data. The end point was fixed but a series of half time intervals were then used to show that the slope of HADCRUT3 temperature anomaly data was increasing with time – see figure 2. The original graph can be found inchapter 3 of the WG1 AR4 report. To quote from the ...
The individual graphs for each of the five major global-temperature anomaly datasets for the period 1987-2014 are now given, so as to dispel the usual accusations that the data have been cherry-picked: Starting the trend in 2001, at the turn of the millennium, shows the effect of the nega...