Global Temporary table visible to all sessions of the SQL Server. Global Temporary table name has no random number. Global Temporary table has double number sign (##) prefix. Syntax - CREATETABLE##table_name (column1 datatype[NULL|NOTNULL],column2 datatype[NULL|NOTNULL],………..); Exampl...
不同的数据库系统(如Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL等)在创建全局临时表的语法上可能有所不同。以下是Oracle和SQL Server中创建全局临时表的基本SQL语法示例: Oracle: sql CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE temp_table_name ( column1 datatype [CONSTRAINT constraint_name], column2 datatype [CONSTRAINT constraint_...|基于6个网页 3. 全域暂存资料表 全域暂存资料表(Global Temporary Tables) SQL Server 2005 降转到 SQL Server 2000 自订SQL Server 2005扩充用 FAQ S…|基于5个网页 例句
CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE temp1( id INT, description VARCHAR2(100) ) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS;Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql) Next, insert a new row into the temp1 table: INSERT INTO temp1(id,description) VALUES(1,'Transaction specific global temp table');Code language...
Temp Table 数据的时效性 (1)On Commit DeleteRows: 数据在 Transaction 期间有效,一旦COMMIT后,数据就被自动 TRUNCATE 掉了; SQL> CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE QCUI_Temp_Trans 2 ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS 3 AS 4 SELECT * FROM t_Department;
table-name 指定临时表。 如果明确指定了限定符,那么限定符必须是 SESSION,否则将返回错误 (SQLSTATE 428EK)。 如果未指定限定符,那么将隐式分配 SESSION。 每个使用相同table-name定义已声明临时表的会话都对已声明的临时表提供了自己的唯一描述。 如果table-name标识会话中已存在的已声明临时表,那么必须指定 WITH...
DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE 语句定义当前应用程序进程的已声明临时表。 声明的临时表描述未显示在系统目录中。 它不是持久的,不能与其他应用程序进程共享。 定义已声明的同名临时表的每个应用程序进程都有自己的临时表的唯一描述。 当应用程序进程结束时,将删除临时
5.tempporary 也是heap表的一种,有两种临时表。 SQL> create global temporary table gt1 as select * from dba_objects; Table created. SQL> select * from gt1;--没有数据,因为省掉了on commit delete rows no rows selected SQL> create global temporary table gt2 on commit delete rows as select *...
I don't think that counts as a global temp table. I'm already past my bedtime, so I don't have the time to test. But since you have the table in a schema, I would think that the database is in the same database as the source table. Which I guess is fully logged, so ...
CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE my_temp_table ( column1 NUMBER, column2 NUMBER ) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS; If you ommit "on commit " clause, Oracle will create transaction-sepecif by default. you can query the temporary table info by below sql: ...