全球通信卫星系统;全球卫星通信系统 5) Global Telecommunication System (GTS) 全球电信系统 GTS 6) Global Telecommunication System (GTS) 全球电信系统 补充资料:全球 1.泛指地球上整个人类社会和自然界。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。
It is being built upon the Global Telecommunication System (GTS) of WMO's World Weather Watch (WWW), using standard elements and at a pace feasible for all Members.S. L. SINGHSANKAR NATHM. K. BHATNAGARIndia Meteorological Department New Delhi -110 003Mausam: Journal of the Meteorological ...
The strategy of the OSMC has been to collect ocean observation data and metadata as it flowed through the fire hose of the Global Telecommunication System (GTS). Though much of the ocean in-situ measurements that are made funnel through the GTS system, we've come to realize that in order...
Precipitation is widely recognized as the main driving component for the global hydrological cycle and has an essential role for regulating the climate system1,2,3. Providing reliable estimation of precipitation, especially heavy precipitation, at fine spatial and temporal resolutions is crucial for many...
Number scheme needs to maintain as master data in GTS. We will see how we can maintain in our example USECC Dual use items which has ten categories as we have seen in Step 1 ; For example , Category 5 related to Telecommunication 5A002.a.2 – equipment designed or modified to perform...
but the daily data archive yet available has still to grow to support the issuance of reliable daily products in the mid-term future. The data distributed by the NMHSs via the WMO Global Telecommunication System (GTS) to fulfil the needs of near real-time weather analysis and prediction and...
[36] Individual ships' observations from the Met Office Marine Data Bank (MDB), which from 1982 onward also includes data received through the Global Telecommunication System (GTS), were quality controlled by the methods used for the Met Office Historical SST data set (MOHSST6) [Bottomley et ...
The GPCC First Guess Product of the monthly precipitation anomaly is based on synoptic weather reports (SYNOP) from about 6,300 stations worldwide received near real-time via the WMO Global Telecommunication System (GTS). The product is available within 5 days after end of an observation month....
Data sources include daily summary files from the Global Telecommunication System (GTS), and the CPC unified daily gauge data sets over the contiguous United States (CONUS), Mexico, and South America. All three objective techniques are capable of generating useful daily precipitation analyses with ...
GlobalTelecommunication System GTS 环境词汇英语翻译及缩略语 layerF层FLfabricfilter FF 织物过虑器 袋滤器 网状滤器FFfabric filter collector织物除尘器FFCFact Sheet情况报道FSfactor layerF层FLfabricfilter FF 织物过虑器 袋滤器 网状滤器FFfabric filter collector织物除尘器FFCFact Sheet情况报道FSfactor layerF层FL...