Connecting high-quality buyers and OEM/ODM suppliers, the Global Sources Consumer Electronics show features over 4,000 booths spread across more than 70,000 square meters of exhibition space. This event showcases a wide array of innovative and in-demand consumer electronics, including computers...
2024果粉嘉年华深圳站:致态带来专业高速存储卡和先锋版移动固态硬盘等新品 1466 -- 1:44 App 2024香港秋季电子产品展精彩回顾:世界级电子盛会,激发无限商机 1991 -- 4:20 App 充电头网带您走近2023年10月18日Global Sources环球资源秋季香港展:热门潮物电子新品抢先看 1556 -- 4:08 App 盛大开幕,创新科技触手...
In 2024, Global Sources is proud to present the "Global Sources Consumer Electronics Show" – an online consumer electronics show you should not miss. This event aims to help buyers from all parts of the world discover and interact with suppliers around the world.This online show has four pro...
香港环球资源消费电子展览会(Global Sources Consumer Electronics)与供应商,满足零售商0D9F8、电子零售商和经销商等全球买家对消费电子、电脑周边、电竞及游戏硬件周边、汽车电子、户外电子、影音视听及电子零件等产品的采购需求,是采购新一代电子产品及热门潮物的不二之选。 展会时间:2024年04月11日-04月14日 所...
4.1 人から 83 の評価を得ています。Global Sources Consumer Electronics Show の代表者、参加者、来場者による評価、レビュー、フィードバックを確認してください。
Order official tickets or book your stand for Global Sources Consumer Electronics, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, S.A.R., China. The main exhibition in the industry of Electronics, electrical goods in 2024. Trade show for industry professionals.
4. Looking Ahead As KingSpec continues to grow its presence in Europe and other regions, the success of Global Sources Consumer Electronics 2024 has reinforced our dedication to providing high-performance, dependable storage and memory solutions designed to meet the needs of both professionals an...
备受瞩目的香港环球资源展将于明天再次在香港亚洲国际博览馆盛大开幕!届时康冠科技将携多个前沿技术及创新产品亮相展会,加入我们,一同在金秋十月探索科技视界。 展会信息 【名称】:Global Sources Consumer Electronics 【时间】:2024年10月11-14日 【地点】:香港亚洲国际博览馆 ...
Romtronic International Co., Limited (Dongguan Hundu Electronic Co., Limited) established in 1997, is a designing and manufacturing service organization specialized in cable assemblies, wire harnesses, as well as other relevant computer peripheral produc
The leading international multichannel B2B online marketplace & sourcing platform connecting authentic buyers and verified wholesale suppliers & manufacturers worldwide. Global Sources serves more than 10 million registered buyers and users, including 97