Boom or bust? Mapping out the known un- knowns of global shale gas production potential. Energy Econ May 2015;49: 581e7.Hilaire, J, Bauer, N, Brecha, RJ, 2015, Boom or bust? Mapping out the known unknowns of global shale gas production potential, Energy Economics 49, 581-7...
found the first major shale gas field of 100bnm3 reserve in Sichuan Basin, and achieved commercial development breakthrough in the field. In 2014 China produced 1.3bnm3 of shale gas, 5.5 times over the previous year, and accounting 1.02% of the nation’s NG production and0.73...
However, the economically unviable production of shale gas, capital-intensive production of shale gas, and negative environmental impact are factors that are expected to hamper the growth of the market. A glimpse of the report structure is provided in the report description available on the ...
EEPL, is fast evolving into one of the leaders in natural gas exploration and production across the globe.
Moreover, the shale identified so far is deeper underground than in the United States (four to six kilometers, as opposed to two to four kilometers) and located in sites with difficult terrain that are often highly populated. The Chinese government has set a target for shale-gas production ...
Global oil production amounted to 96.4 million barrels per day in 2023. The level of oil production reached an all-time high in 2023. However, the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on transportation fuel demand led to a notable decline in 2020. ...
The Middle East accounts for one third of global oil production, making it the largest oil producing region in the world.
Foster,Natural,Gas,Report,Group 摘要: Worldwide, productionfhaleil (tightil)ould increase dramaticallyo 14illionarrelsfil per day (b/d)y 2035,rbout 12%fhe world'sotalilupply, estimatedecenteportrom PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers),haleil:he Next Energyevolution.n increase in productionfhis level...
Unconventional resources of crude oil and natural gas €" shale energy €" increased significantly in the US in the early 2000s, triggered by the strong rise in the price of crude oil and technical advances in production. The US is a clear forerunner in the production of shale energy, due...
Shale gas adds 7,299 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, or 32 percent of the world total, the EIA report estimated. The report seeks to quantify the potential global significance of the shale boom, after the exploitation of North American shale deposits has already transformed the US oil and...