“Wheat and other cereal crops typically require a lot of nitrogen from chemical fertilizers in order to have high yields,” says Veronica Guwela. An early career researcher from Malawi, Guwela attended the conference and has recently taken up a role at the International Maize and Wheat Improvem...
Global Missions: Planting seeds, making disciples and encouraging the brethren. "If the Christian is truly obedient to the Great Commission, he will either give his life to go down into the mine or to hold the rope for those who go down” (William Carey)
Enabling policies are particularly needed to enable the further adaptation and use of the many promising innovations to increase and maintain maize productivity and alleviate constraints (e.g., access to improved seeds, finance, education/training and risk management–Grote et al., 2021), mainly in...
seedsagrobiodiversitygenderIn this paper I use seeds in Malawi as both an analytical lens and an empirical focus of study to examine how food sovereignty is threatened or enhanced in a particular location and time. I argue that while food sovereignty was eroded for smallholders through neoliberal ...
The first three study participants or seeds were recruited through agents. Then each study participant recruited one or two other FSWs who have anal sexual experience. During the recruitment process, first the recruiter individual would tell new study participants about the study and as the principa...
Structured Trade Finance Specialist- Com ...United Arab Emirates Commodity Research AnalystUnited Arab Emirates Grains TraderUnited Arab Emirates REGIONAL HEAD OF SALES & MARKETING ...Malaysia, China Country LeadChina, Russia Finance DirectorMalawi ...
Malawifood sovereigntymaizeseedsagrobiodiversitygenderThe Global Farms Race: Land Grabs, Agricultural Investment, and the Scramble for Food Security. Edited by Michael Kugelman and Susan L. Levenstein. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 2013. Pp. x, 237. $50; paperback $25....
which includes the distribution of food & seeds hampers to establish short-term hunger alleviation interventions & long-term, sustainable agriculture projects. secondly, education, including the supply of school uniforms & stationery. learn more gffj focus areas a global fund that belongs to jesus a...
STLC GROUP has its wings in domestic and international markets since the past 33 years and has been recognized by the government as 'STAR EXPORT HOUSE.' We are engaged mainly in indenting of premium quality pulses, grains, seeds & food products. ...
Furthermore, due to the reduced dependence on intermediate inputs (energy, seeds, fertilizer, and pesticides) and fixed capital, developed countries might be less affected by shocks to the supply chains due to COVID-19 [68]. 6. Conclusions and Policy implications COVID-19 has impacted the ...