providing tools for scam prevention, supporting legal best practices, and facilitating knowledge sharing and certified scam training. The company primarily serves sectors such as law enforcement, financial services, consumer protection agencies, and cybersecurity firms. It was founded in 2021 and is base...
Bitdefender is a cybersecurity software leader delivering best-in-class threat prevention, detection, and response solutions worldwide.
Bitdefender is a cybersecurity software leader delivering best-in-class threat prevention, detection, and response solutions worldwide.
Bitdefender is a cybersecurity software leader delivering best-in-class threat prevention, detection, and response solutions worldwide.
enhance your company’s defences Learn More hello! welcome to Connectivity Global We are a Singapore based company that is formed between KIWONTECH, a South Korean cybersecurity company, and a team of local professionals with deep expertise on IT infrastructure and cybersecurity solutions. ...
Scam Group-IB, one of the global leaders in cybersecurity, has uncovered that Classiscam a sophisticated scam-as-a-service operation has expanded to Singapore in March 2022. Classiscam fraudsters, as its name suggests, target users of one of the leading classified platforms in Singapore. Scamme...
We are committed to protecting the security of your personal information. UBA will not request you to provide confidential information on a website or by clicking a link
Clyde & Co’s industry and legal predictions for 2025 address how businesses and jurisdictions will navigate an increasingly fragmented and volatile world. Key areas of focus include what’s in store for energy security and Europe’s march towards energy independence amidst the ongoing Russia-Ukraine...
A scam is where a criminal convinces you to reveal personal information, or tell them your banking security details. They’ll then attempt to convince you to knowingly authorise a payment from your account to a person, company, or for goods you believe to be genuine. ...
Platform fraud affected 40% of the organizations that experienced a scam. So security is another challenge that hampers the market. The transition to platforms intensified during the Covid-19 as companies adopted delivery and contactless payments to keep serving their clients in private. With labor ...