Deforestation displaced: Trade in forest-risk commodities and the prospects for a global forest transition. Environmental Research Letters 14: 055003. Article Google Scholar Potapov, P., M.C. Hansen, A. Pickens, A. Hernandez-Serna, A. Tyukavina, S. Turubanova, V. Zalles, X. Li, et ...
Deutsch Englisch Französisch Kontozugang Treasury Investment Portal Matrix Research PortalProdukte & Performance Morgan Stanley Investment Funds Aktienfonds Global Brands Fund Teilen Drucken Global Brands Fund Anteilsklasse : ISIN: LU2393079814 Marketingdokument Produkte...
The VOLASOIL Risk Assessment Model Based on CSOIL for Soils Contaminated with Volatile Compounds RVIM Report No. 715810014, 1–189 (National Institute of Public Health and The Environment, 1996). European Chemicals Bureau Technical Guidance Document on Risk Assessment in Support of Commission ...
Investment objective This equity fund aims to provide strong returns over a market cycle with considerably less business risk than the global equity markets, and to promote environmental and social c
Article: 2011/069 (2011) First report of Maconellicoccus hirsutus in Cyprus, NPPO of Cyprus (2010-12). Accessed 20 Sept 2022 FAO: Framework for Pest Risk Analysis: ISPM 2 (2007). Rome, IPPC, FAO. Published online,
Professional Advisors, such as underwriters, actuaries, claims handlers and investigators, surveyors, loss adjustors/assessors, accident investigators, specialist risk advisors, pension providers or trustees, banks and other lenders (including premium finance providers), health professionals, health service pr...
Thus, the future cost differential will be mostly driven by the difference in resource quality and by the cost of capital differential due to the economic conditions of each country (i.e. country risk). A conservative resource quality differential of a factor of two can translate into an ...
Much of the Earth’s biosphere has been appropriated for the production of harvestable biomass in the form of food, fuel and fibre. Here we show that the simplification and intensification of these systems and their growing connection to international ma
22 Ageing leads to declines in muscle strength and balance and a higher prevalence of chronic conditions such as osteoporosis and arthritis, heightening the risk of falls.18 HICs benefit from advanced health-care infrastructure and reliable mortality reporting, whereas UMICs often face resource ...
Transboundary and diseases-related issues with aquaculture largely mirror those with livestock production, but potentially have a higher concern over the risk of escapees and their potential impact on local ecosystems, including wild capture fisheries116. Fisheries face additional challenges as stocks can...