(23 March 2023, Shanghai and Mumbai) Hurun Report today released the Hurun Global Rich List 2023, a ranking of the US dollar billionaires in the world. Wealth calculations are a snapshot of 16 January 2023. This is the 12th year of the ranking. JDYD Liquor, a premium Chinese baijiu bra...
Whilst as many as 40% of the Hurun Global Rich List from the high water mark two years ago have lost their billionaires status, China has added a 120 new faces to the list. Despite the large drop in the number of billionaires, China still has more known billionaires than the US.” “...
There are 18 billionaires with a personal wealth of at least $1 billion in Hunan province,according to the Hurun Global Rich List 2024 released onMarch 25.And Changsha, home for 17 of thosebillionaires, was ranked Top 10 most popular cities for China's billion-dollar entrepreneurs....
India added nearly 100 billionaires in 2023 as compared to 2022, according to the Hurun Global Rich List 2024. According to the report, Mumbai has overtaken Beijing to become Asia’s billionaire capital and one of top three cities globally. The number of billionaires in Mumbai in the 2024 li...
Paris, New York, LA, Sydney, Luxembourg, Istanbul, Dubai and Singapore.For further information, see www.hurun.net. ❖ END ❖ Hurun Global Retail Rich List 2022 Hurun Global Healthcare Rich List 2022 查看完整榜单,历年榜单与新闻稿请登录“胡润百富”小程序,或咨询胡润百富客服(hurun-1999)
胡润研究院发布《2024年胡润全球富豪榜》(Hurun Global Rich List 2024),这是胡润研究院连续第13年发布“全球富豪榜”。 其中,特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克以1.67万亿元人民币的财富重登首富宝座,这是他四年来第三次成为世界首富,财富较去年增加了5300亿元,这主要得益于特斯拉创纪录的交付量使其股价飙升。与此同时...
India added nearly 100 billionaires in 2023 as compared to 2022, according to the Hurun Global Rich List 2024. According to the report, Mumbai has overtaken Beijing to become Asia’s billionaire capital and one of top three cities globally. The number of billionaires in Mumbai in the 2024 li...
India added nearly 100 billionaires in 2023 as compared to 2022, according to the Hurun Global Rich List 2024. According to the report, Mumbai has overtaken Beijing to become Asia’s billionaire capital and one of top three cities globally. The number of billionaires in Mumbai in the 2024 li...
可以使用全球富豪榜”(Global Rich List)有台“你多有钱”计算器来查询。网站“全球富豪榜”(Global Rich List)有台“你多有钱”计算器,只要输进年收入,就可以知道你的财富胜过世界上多少人口。比如:中国台湾民众2012年的月平均薪资为45888元(新台币,下同),换算成年薪为550656元,约18429美元...
Many of the world's richest countries are also the world's smallest: the pandemic and barely made a dent in their huge wealth.