You can choose to turn on Battery Care Mode, so that the battery can be charged to 80% to improve its lifespan. When Battery Care Mode is enabled, this mechanism will smartly adjust the recharge trigger point to protect the battery when AC power is connected all the time. If you need ...
You can choose to turn on Battery Care Mode, so that the battery can be charged to 80% to improve its lifespan. When Battery Care Mode is enabled, this mechanism will smartly adjust the recharge trigger point to protect the battery when AC power is connected all the time. If you need ...
Protect PSA global initialized flag with mutex. Browse files Unfortunately this requires holding the mutex for the entire psa_crypto_init() function, as calling psa_crypto_free() from another thread should block until init has ended, then run. Signed-off-by: Paul Elliott <paul.elliott@arm....
One way that asset owners can help protect and enhance their investments for the long term is by considering ESG matters through their stewardship practices.Footnote 63 Recent revisions to the UK, Japanese and Singaporean stewardship codes have also placed far greater weight on ESG considerations....
Are you doing everything you can to stop identity fraud from infiltrating your business? Not sure? Talk to us. Book a tech walkthrough with one of our identity experts today to learn how to protect your business from sophisticated fraud....
GlobalFoundries Files Lawsuit Against IBM to Protect its Intellectual Property and Trade Secrets Accuses IBM of unlawful disclosure to Intel, the Japanese consortium Rapidus and others MALTA, N.Y., April 19, 2023 – GlobalFoundries (NASDAQ: GFS) (GF) today sued IBM for trade secret ...
, and Linux devices, or any device with an ARM processor running Android 9.0 and later. User access is accomplished via a client installed on the device or a browser, including Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, or Edge. Web browser access does not require installation of a HTML5 client....
We will fight vigorously, using any and all options, to protect our proprietary technologies. About TSMC TSMC pioneered the pure-play foundry business model when it was founded in 1987, and has been the world’s largest dedicated semiconductor foundry ever since. The company supports a thriving ...
Protect PSA global rng data with mutex. Browse files Reads and writes of rng_state in psa_crypto_init() and psa_crypto_free() were already covered by mutex. Signed-off-by: Paul Elliott <>pr_9080 (Mbed-TLS/mbedtls#8901) paul-elliott-arm committed Mar 12, 2024 1...
Another approach to enhance sexual health is the New York City PlaySure sexual health programme, which educates at-risk persons that HIV medications used for treatment, PrEP, or post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) can protect the health of individuals irrespective of serostatus. Paired with an ...