Given current trends, 574 million people—nearly 7% of the world’s population—will still be living on less than $2.15 a day in 2030. The challenge is made harder by the fact that extreme poverty is concentrated in parts of the world where it will be hardest to eradicate: in Sub-...
Fig. 1: ERA5 climatology and trends for CAPE, convective precipitation and vertical wind shear. A 41-year (1979–2019) climatology and trends for the (a) 95th percentile of convective available potential energy (CAPE), (b) accumulated convective precipitation, and (c) 50th percentile of 0–...
The concept of sustainable livelihoods (SL) is one of the most important subjects of sustainable development, and is an important long-term goal for poverty alleviation. There has been growing interest in the nature and practical application of SL in recent decades. This paper applies bibliometric...
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 (Xinhua) -- The global economy is "dangerously close" to a recession, as inflation remains elevated, interest rates rise, and growing debt burden hits the developing world, World Bank President David Malpass said Thursday. "We've lowered our 2023 growth forecast from 3 p...
Reflecting 2018 and 2020 conditions, we use global high-resolution data on ambient air pollution (outdoor PM2.5 concentrations), population distribution, and poverty to provide aggregate exposure estimates (see Methods). We show that pollution levels are most hazardous in middle-income countries, ...
This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of poverty in the world today – covering both recent trends and the current situation – taking into consideration income-based poverty as well as non-income dimensions, such as access to basic services. It also examines the incidence of poverty ...
andslowprogressindebtrestructuringcouldrelatedtoadversegeopoliticalevents.LastobservationisDecember11,2023. exacerbatethedifficultiesfacingmanyEMDEs.D.Numberofadditionalpeopleinextremepovertyin030duetoclimatechangefromJafinoetal. (2020).Climatechangeisintroducedtobaselinescenarios,withtheminimumandmaximumimpacts Already,abo...
those living in poverty, exposed to physical climate risks, with already limited access to quality health systems, and the elderly. There are also direct economic impacts, such asfiscal and financial strainson health systems,productivity lossfrom working in hotter environments, and the dis...
Understanding the temporal trends in the burden of overall and type-specific cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in youths and young adults and its attributable risk factors is important for effective and targeted prevention strategies and measures. We aimed
The next decade will be characterized by environmental and societal crises, driven by underlying geopolitical and economic trends. “Cost-of-living crisis” is ranked as the most severe global risk over the next two years, peaking in the short term. “Biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse” ...