hope for a return to pre-pandemic levels of employment for women is still distant.Recent projectionsbased on economic scenarios modeled by McKinsey and Oxford Economics estimate that employment for women may not recover to pre-pandemic levels until 2024—two full years after a recovery for men, ...
As of January 2024, Instagram was slightly more popular with men than women, with men accounting for 50.6 percent of the platform’s global users. Additionally, the social media app was most popular amongst younger audiences, with almost 32 percent of users aged between 18 and 24 years. Ins...
while "gender" pertains to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, and identities of women and men—as well as gender-diverse individuals—which are also shaped by historical and cultural contexts. These two factors interact, leading to different health and disease experiences...
–Women when working from home vs. the office: 19.2 minutes a day vs. 30.3. respectively –Men: 20.9 minutes per day vs. 29.1 (in office) The media and others may be quick to interpret this data as an indication that WFH is bad for mentoring, particularly for women, or that it is...
This gives an overall global age-standardized prevalence of 119.0 per 100 000 population in the age range of 30 to 64 years, corresponding to 3.9 million people aged 30 to 64 years living with YOD in the world. Subgroup analyses showed prevalence between men and women to be similar (...
The migration network of sex-workers shows different structural patterns than the migration of the general population. The network contains a strong core where mutual migration is often observed between a group of high-income European countries, yet Europe is split into different network communities ...
For the uninitiated, the hijab is a piece of garment, used collectively with others, to veil a woman’s “awrah”, referred to as any part of the body to be covered once she reaches puberty. Muslim women in the presence of unrelated men are typically fully covered, expect for...
“You Can Leave Your Hat On” and “No Hair to the Throne” are among the many headlines that have appeared in the British tabloids. William is a little short atop his head. “In fact, the American Academy of Dermatology estimates 80 million men and women in the United States suffer ...
Among 33 countries representing 54% of the world’s working-age population, 19% of men’s time is spent on unpaid work, compared to 55% of women’s.Unpaid care work will continue to be imposed asymmetrically on women as childcare costs rise. ...
As of April 2024, around 16.5 percent of global active Instagram users were men between the ages of 18 and 24 years. More than half of the global Instagram population worldwide was aged 34 years or younger. Teens and social media