Cross-country slope index of inequality and concentration index in 1990 and 2019 for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias and Parkinson’s disease among the whole population Circles represent the cases of absolute incidence, deaths, and DALYs, the larger the circle the greater the number of ...
Clearly, there are lots of opportunities to reach, interact with, convert, and engage social media users. Savvy marketers use social media across their marketing funnel, to influence journeys from product discovery, through to first purchases, loyalty, and advocacy. Our RACE Framework has a data...
ASEAN is a region on the rise. As the world’s fifth largest economy, it enjoys favourable demographics due to its young population, while its manufacturing is rapidly moving up the value chain. Continue reading Spotlight on India: Factors driving the markets ...
Additionally, given the changing population demographics in different parts of the world, the prevalence rates have not been reported separately for different continents. Also, there are many limitations in the meta-analysis studies. Therefore, it appears necessary to conduct a systematic review and ...
1). Further, the underlying sociodemographic characteristics of the population in the areas changed significantly depending on the neighborhood definitions we employed. For example, the percentages of black in participants’ residential census tract and ZIP code had mean values of 31% and 29%, ...
1.1 Implement studies to better quantify the fatty liver disease burden, including health-related quality of life, in the general population and in specific high-risk groups. A 2 92.7 6.3 99.0 0.7 0.3 0.0 288 1.2 Conduct cohort studies to prospectively monitor outcomes in patients with defined ...
Patient populations are diverse in terms of gender, race, and ethnicity, as well as other attributes, like socio-demographic status or access to healthcare systems. To mitigate the risk of AI informed medical care being biased towards certain demographics, straddling these different characteristics ...
–Only 13% say it’s harder for them to advance in their jobs. Pew’s latest survey was fielded in late-January 2022. Panel size = 5,900. Results are weighted to be representative of U.S. adult population in terms of gender, race, political affiliation, education, and more.We...
This systematic review is the first to describe global PPI use patterns by demographics and medication factors and is based on published literature over three decades. The findings of this review provide robust evidence on actual PPI use in the general population, which in turn provides information...
So, increasing the pilot population is critical to the growth of the industry and those who don’t want to see change don’t want to see their companies or our country succeed. Simple as that. That’s the big picture. Without these young people, and those like them, we fail. Luxury ...