In2015,theglobalpharmaceuticals,biotechnology&lifesciencesindustryisforecasttohaveavalueof$1,405billion,anincreaseof40.3%since2010. MarketsegmentationI Pharmaceuticalsisthelargestsegmentoftheglobalpharmaceuticals,biotechnology&lifesciencesindustry,accountingfor73.2%oftheindustry'stotalvalue. ...
‘The new trends for China’s pharmaceutical economy’, Chinese Medicine and Commerce Association (2003)Pharmaceutical Economic Information, 16 (6), pp. 8–9. ‘The Pharmaceutical Market Outlook to 2015: Implementing Innovative, Long-term Strategies for Sustainable Future Growth’,Business Insight(May...
2012. Ethical Issues in Outsourcing: The Case of Contract Medical Research and the Global Pharmaceutical Industry. Journal of Business Ethics 105(2): 239-255. Http:// 5c01-43b5-8ec9-b9bcebfed3a2%40session...
Globally, the pharmaceutical industry is a growing industry fueled by aging populations and new drugs to treat rare and specialty diseases. Regionally, the pharmaceutical industry generates most of its revenues in the North American and European markets. Within all markets globally the top therapeutic ...
Valeant Pharmaceuticals Related Topics Cancer Vaccines Clinical Trials Related Products Cancer Vaccines Market by Type, Technology, Indication, ROA, End User - Global Forecast to 2032 Report 263 Pages December 2024 Global From €4932 US cancer vaccine industry outlook to 2028 ...
This statistic depicts the global pharmaceutical revenue - including prescription and over-the-counter drugs - from 2012 to 2026, categorized by technology. In 2019, biotechnology accounted for 266 billion U.S. dollars in drug revenue while conventional drugs accumulated 469 billion U.S. dollars, ...
Download FREE Sample (350 Pages PDF) Report: To Know the Impact of COVID-19 on this Industry@ Global Drug Discovery Outsourcing Market is expected to rise from its initial estimated value...
Previously, pharmaceutical manufacturers focused on delivering the right drug molecule and often decided the delivery mode later. But nowadays, manufacturers have started considering delivery of the drug earlier. This has given rise to the digitalization trend in the pharmaceutical industry. The digital ...
Globally, many regional and international companies are taking help of pharmaceutical contract sales organizations (CSOs) to varying extents and the trend is likely to increase in the coming years. The global pharmaceutical industry, especially with the revival of the world economy from the great rece...
The global pharmaceutical industry has been developing compounds for over a century. However, several of these never got to the market. Acceptance of new drug formulations is expensive and slow, taking up to 15 years to obtain accreditation of new drug formulas with no guarantee of success. Anti...