remote sensing observationsmidlatitudemiddle latitudeOcean Colour and Temperature ScannerWe demonstrate for the first time the detectability of mid-latitude Rossby waves in global ocean colour data from the Japanese Ocean Colour and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) and U.S. Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view ...
Marine heatwaves are extreme warm water events that can cause devastating impacts on ecosystems and have complex socio-economic ramifications. Surface signals and drivers of marine heatwaves have been extensively investigated based on satellite observations, whereas their vertical structure in the global ...
Extended periods of anomalously warm ocean temperatures can have major impacts on marine biodiversity and ecosystems1,2,3and the economics of regional fisheries4,5. Despite a growing appreciation of their importance, scientific understanding of marine heatwaves (MHWs) is in its infancy compared to t...
A time-series analysis was set up to identify free Rossby waves and to quantify the energy distributions of free propagating, forced propagating, standing and quasi-stationary waves. 18 modes could be identified or evidence of their existence could be stated. The energy partition of free ...
The global seasonal cycle of energy in Earth’s climate system is quantified using observations and reanalyses. After removing long-term trends, net energy entering and exiting the climate system at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) should agree with the sum of energy entering and exiting the oc...
Global observations of large oceanic eddies, Magnetic reconnection at large and small scales, and Interhemispheric coupling between stratosphere and mesosphere ar... AG Union 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Ocean color observations of eddies during the summer in the Gulf of California 1] Using SeaWiFS ocean ...
movements. The horizontal, meridional, and zonal circulations after the 3P-DGAC are the global generalization of Rossby waves in the middle-high latitudes and Hadley and Walker circulations in low latitudes. Therefore, the three-pattern decomposition model and its dynamical equations provide novel ...
Because our interest is in sea surface temperature patterns, areas of 100% sea ice cover were considered to be land. HadEX is a 2.5-degree latitude by 3.75-degree longitude gridded data set containing 27 indices derived from daily in situ temperature and precipitation observations over much of ...
The Sun’s complex dynamics is controlled by buoyancy and rotation in the convection zone. Large-scale flows are dominated by vortical motions1 and appear to be weaker than expected in the solar interior2. One possibility is that waves of vorticity due t
A number of previous papers studied also global modes of variability in the observations or reanalyses on the interannual-to-interdecadal time scale. Thus, Moron et al. (1998) used MSSA to examine the U.K. Meteorological Office’s MOHSST5 data base of SSTs over the 1901–1994 time span an...