The global object in Node.js is called ‘global‘. It provides access to several built-in objects, including‘process’, ‘console’, ‘buffer’, ‘setImmediate()’, ‘clearImmediate()’, and ‘setTimeout()‘, etc. For instance, theprocessobject, an instance ofEventEmitter, can be accessed...
例子:在目录/User/mjr中运行node example.js 1console.log(__filename);2///User/mjr/example.js __filename不是真正的全局变量而是每个模块都有的局部变量。 __dirname ● {字符串类型} 当前正在被执行的脚本所在的目录名。 例子:在目录 /User/mjr 中运行 node example.js 1console.log(__dirname);2...
Node.js - Global Objects - Global objects in Node.js are built-in objects. The Node.js runtime is made up of a number of core modules. To incorporate the functionality of any of the core modules such as fs module, or http module (or any external module i
The objects listed here are specific to Node.js. There are built-in objects that are part of the JavaScript language itself, which are also globally accessible. C AbortController 历史 版本更改 v15.4.0 No longer experimental. v15.0.0, v14.17.0 Added in: v15.0.0, v14.17.0 ...
Global Objects全局对象 These objects are available in all modules. Some of these objects aren't actually in the global scope but in the module scope - this will be noted. 这些对象在所有的模块中都可用。实际上有些对象并不在全局作用域范围中,但是在它的模块作用域中---这些会标识出来的。 In bro...
Node.js has a number of built-in global identifiers. Some of these objects are true globals and can be accessed from anywhere, other exist at module level in every module. For example, global, console, process, Buffer, require(), require.resolve(), requi
$ node main.js 确认输出稍有延迟后打印。 Hello, World! clearTimeout(t) clearTimeout(t)全局函数用于停止先前使用setTimeout()创建的计时器。 这里t是setTimeout()函数返回的计时器。 例子(Example) 使用以下代码创建名为main.js的js文件 - function printHello() { ...
在上个章节中我们学习了NodeJS的基础理论知识,对于这些理论知识来说理解是至关重要的,在后续的章节中,我们会对照着官方文档逐步学习里面的各部分模块,好了该是本文主角登台亮相的时候了,Global 让我们来看一下官方的定义: Global Objects全局对象These objects are available in all modules. Some of these objects ...
Nodejs官网Node.js 就是运行在服务端的 JavaScript。是一个能够在服务器端运行JavaScript的开放源代码、跨平台JavaScript运行环境。采用Google开发的V8引擎运行js代码,使用事件驱动、非阻塞和异步I/O模型等技术来提高性能,可优化应用程序的传输量和规模。 1、I/O(Input/Output) ...