Man Made Disasters Earthquakes Learning ZoneGlobal weather systems has all the weather accross the World.Satellite images for every continent, weather pressure charts and storm news and information. Climate change and information on Al Nina El Nino and Enso.Solar weather and North Atlantic Oscillation...
Global News Morning BC(2002) Steph Florian Self - Weather Specialist / Self - WEATHER SPECIALIST / Self -WEATHER SPECIALIST 79 Noon News Hour Weekend BC(2002) Jeremy Tubbs Self - Global Traffic Centre; Global 1 / Self - GLOBAL 1 TRAFFIC / Self - Global 1 / Self - Global Traffic Centre...
(From American Public Health Association. Available from: Information Box 26.10Source:Reproduced from: The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States, U.S. Global Change Research...
Blog + Follow Blog The Arctic-News Blog describes the situation in the Arctic, focusing especially on the threat of large abrupt methane eruptions from the Arctic Ocean seafloor. Contributors to the blog share a deep concern about the way climate change is unf...
That's the good news. The bad news is we don't know how long it will last, whether it will get hotter or colder, and what impact climate change will have on our lives. Although most of the warming-cooling cycles throughout geologic history (that goes back hundreds of millions of ...
When writing a few days ago about an AP CO2 "story", I was reminded of a common lament about inept news "reporters": don't those guys have editors? It would seem that regarding this Citizen-Times editorial, the editor needs an editor. Perhaps NCDC Director Thomas Karl could help the ed...
As Breitbart News hasreported, activists have studied people’s emotional response to climate expressions and purposefully selected the terminology that elicits the strongest reaction. The Guardian rejects “climate change” in favor of “climate emergency, crisis or breakdown.” Salon has explicitly pro...
Global lens: Under the weather Extreme climatic conditions threatening communities across the globe set to increase A man helps his son climb onto a flyover under construction on Wednesday after being displaced by rising waters amid heavy rain in New Delhi. ADNAN ABIDI/REUTERS...
In other news, Kenji, ourresident member of the Union of Concerned Scientistsisnotdepressed, despite having a wet spring in California. Exactly what I was thinking. What percentage of those dogs with issues ahve owners with similar issues?
In its sixth assessment report (IPCC2021), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land. This human-induced warming is already causing many weather and climate extremes in every region across the globe, including heatwave...