Will Shale Gas Give a Second Burst to US Manufacturing? Urbanization and Climate Change Alpha-cities, megaslums, and tomorrow’s revolutions Search GT2030 Asiabalance of powerBrazilChinaclimate changeCounterinsurgencydependencyeconomic developmenteconomic growthEducationEuropeGlobal Trendsgovernancegt2030...
A Snapshot of the Global Trends 2030 Report Bill Burke-WhiteModerated – What Will be the Shape of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in 2030? Thomas MahnkenModerated – Will China’s economic growth stall out? What will be the impact on the global economy? Peter FeaverModerated with...
M&A in 2025: Big deals, winning hands, and wild cards. Megadeal momentum returns to the market—but dealmakers will need to expect the unexpected.
Private equity investors’ buying preferences continue to evolve. Sectors like technology outperformed (2024 was the third highest on record in terms of deal value), while healthcare continued its post-COVID-19 retreat (Exhibit 6). These trends hold across deal sizes: As often happens, larger...
Economy Global Trade Technology & Innovation Automotive Industry TrendsFeatured Topic Energy Transition Explore the climate crisis as it intensifies calls for the energy sector to transition from fossil fuels like oil, gas, and coal to renewable energy sources. Read more on the Energy Transition ...
我前文《全球医疗健康行业大趋势(Global Healthcare Mega Trends)B篇–精准医疗渐成必选项》中已阐述过,大量的临床研究已表明基因突变对疾病的直接诱发和驱动关系,使得医学能够明确阐述更多疾病的致病机理。同时,全球各主要药物监管机构已批准上市多个针对特定基因突变的靶向药物。根据Personalized Medicine Coalition的研究报...
We are living in a time of mega trends that offer infinite possibility to create outcomes that inspire and improve the way we work and live. Here’s our take on these trends and their impact on the logistics industry.
How to benefit from global mega trends
全球医疗健康行业的大方向和发展趋势(Global Healthcare Mega-trend)不会改变,在此次新冠疫情影响之下反而会提前和加速其发展。 这些全球医疗健康大趋势有: -生物制药的兴起 -精准医疗的兴起 -无处不在的数字医疗成为新常态 -肿瘤药物和孤儿药成研发重点
14 thoughts on “Map of Global Mega Trends” Fredrik Est on May 19, 2017 at 2:02 pm said: Please let me know how I can revived a copy? A AO would be great over our coffee maker! Richard on May 19, 2017 at 2:08 pm said: Where would I be posting to? Thx. shams on May...