Global mean sea level has risen more than 0.2 m since 1880 and continues rising at above 4 mm yr.1. Here we allocate responsibility to countries for global sea-level rise commitment (SLRC) over the period 1850 to 2100 and weigh that against their exposure to inundation from sea-level ...
Global mean sea level rose by 15 mm over June 2014 – May 2016 80% of this rise had a mass origin (12 mm) and 20% had an ocean warming origin (3 mm) The terrestrial water storage change in the Am...
By 2300, the PDFs suggest a likely range of GMSL rise of 0.54–2.15 m, a very likely range of 0.24–3.11 m, and a median of 1.18 m (Table 1). Table 1 The “likely” ranges and “very likely” ranges of global mean sea-level rise for 2100 and 2300 using an ...
Most estimates of global mean sea level rise are in the range of 38 to 55 cm over the next 100 years (Warrick et al., 1996). 在进入海面后,其进一步 的平流和测流扩散会造成再稀释,再 稀释率一般不超过 10:1 至 20:1,因此这些稀释过程之后病原体的浓度可能在 100:1 ...
Global mean sea level riseMarine biogeochemical cyclesHypoxiaExpanding hypoxia is today a major threat for many coastal seas around the world and disentangling its drivers is a large challenge for interdisciplinary research. Using a coupled physical-biogeochemical model we estimate the impact of past ...
Most estimates of global mean sea-level rise this century fall below 2 m. This quantity is comparable to the positive vertical bias of the principle digital elevation model (DEM) used to assess global and national population exposures to extreme coastal water levels, NASA’s SRTM. CoastalDEM ...
Sea level rise seen along the U.S. Southeast and Gulf coasts over the last decade are "unprecedented in at least 120 years," scientists found.
altimetry. The blue shading represents the range of model projections for the 21st century, relative to the 1980 to 1999 mean, and has been calculated independently from the observations. Beyond 2100, the projections are increasingly dependent on the emissions scenario.Impacts of Sea Level Rise ...
Although the 2015 Paris Agreement seeks to hold global average temperature to 'well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels', projections of global mean sea-level (GMSL) rise commonly focus on scenarios...
Previous studies reconstructed twentieth-century global mean sea level (GMSL) from sparse tide-gauge records to understand whether the recent high rates obtained from satellite altimetry are part of a longer-term acceleration. However, these analyses used techniques that can only accurately capture ...