ranks只列出了rank id(全局唯一),没有指定节点host。rank与host关系是根据环境变量确定的。环境变量RANK表示全局唯一的rank id,LOCAL_RANK表示节点内的本地rank id。在GPU环境下,一般一个进程对应一块设备。WORLD_SIZE表示所有节点的设备(进程)总数。 oneflow包在初始化时,会根据环境变量在各个节点间建立控制面通信连...
broadcast表示global tensor在每个rank上完全一样,等价于从某个rank复制并广播至所有rank。 partial表示global tensor与物理设备上的tensor的形状相同,但是物理设备上的值,只是global tensor的一部分,global tensor的值需要这些rank上的local tensor进行 sum、max、mean等类似操作。 Python端flow.sbp (https://github.com...
Specifically, our method uses the self-expressiveness of the features to represent each feature by other features for preserving the local structure of features, and a low-rank constraint on the weight matrix to preserve the global structure among samples as well as features. Our method also ...
Effective Ranking and Recommendation on Web Page Retrieval by Integrating Association Mining and PageRank Moreover, by mining the users’ browsing behaviors, we can successfully bridge the gap between global search results and local preferences. The effectiveness... JH Su,BW Wang,VS Tseng - IEEE/...
We rank social media sites according to their traffic generation capabilities i.e. the amount of traffic they refer to other websites. We do NOT rank social media sites according to the amount of traffic they receive.To find out more about our methodology, please visit this link. ...
环境变量RANK表示全局唯一的rank id,LOCAL_RANK表示节点内的本地rank id。在GPU环境下,一般一个进程对应一块设备(https://docs.oneflow.org/master/parallelism/04_launch.html#_1)。WORLD_SIZE表示所有节点的设备(进程)总数。在通过import oneflow初始化oneflow时,会根据环境变量在各个节点间建立控制面通信连接...
While IRR is still the top-ranked performance metric, with 35 percent of LPs ranking IRR as critical, 21 percent of LPs now rank multiple of invested capital (MOIC) as critical (up from 15 percent three years ago). Given MOIC is not weighted down by longer holding periods (unlike IRR...
Solid lines are increases in rank and dashed lines are decreases in rank. YLDs=years lived with disability. G6PD=glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. UTI=urinary tract infection. COPD=chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Low back pain and migraine were the leading causes of YLDs in high...
[CVPR17]Learning Discriminative and Transformation Covariant Local Feature DetectorsPDFGithub [CVPR17]Quad-networks: unsupervised learning to rank for interest point detectionPDF- [CVPR16]Learning to Assign Orientations to Feature Poitns-Github
A common image retrieval practice is to firstly retrieve candidate images via similarity search using global image features and then re-rank the candidates by leveraging their local features. Previous learning-based studies mainly focus on either global or local image representation learning to tackle ...