Through years of forging strong collaborations and professional experience, Global Link offers customers a wide range of services at competitive rates. From traditional freight forwarding and logistics to customized supply chain solutions, we provide the right expertise to create the added value our custo...
Global Link Logistics Warehousing Multiple suppliers goods for a single client for air or sea shipment and offer our warehouse space to store the goods pending shipment export. Console multiple clients goods by air and sea to Dubai, East African countries....
GLOBAL LINK LOGISTICS CO.,LTD. has closed partners at all Chinese main ports and more than 100 strategy partners and agents throughout the world. Its service network has reached the global main ports and been widely recognized and respected by the customers. GLOBAL LINK LOGISTICS CO.,LTD. keep...
Link Global Logistics offers you swift, reliable, quality service for a wide range of transport needs. From single pallet to out of gauge abnormal loads, your complete transport solution is here. Thank you for taking the time to look at our web site. ABOUT US LINK GLOBAL LOGISTICS LTD has...
ABOUT US Global Interlink Logistics Co.,Ltd(Global Interlink Limited) was founded in 2008. It is approved by the Ministry of Commerce of China for Business of International and domestic air and sea freight forwarding. Engaged in business of goods and technology import and export, international shi...
Logistics Global Link ロジスティクス分野の物流情報標準ガイドラインに準拠したデータ変換・可視化サービス 日本国内における物流業界の大きな社会課題として、「2024年問題」への対策があります。 政府は「物流革新に向けた政策パッケージ」と「物流の適正化・生産性向上に向けた荷主事業者・物流...
尊重-彼此間互相尊重對待 團體合作-互相配合以提供最優質的服務 責任- 履行我們的承諾 信賴-每個行動都讓人值得信任 招募 我們正在尋找以下職位人選︰ 海運主任- 貨代公司 地點︰香港,深圳,上海 工作職責︰ 處理海運文件 處理拼櫃運往世界各地 與船公司聯絡,預訂及船期查詢 ...
GLOBAL CARGO LINK LOGISTICS CO.,LTD was founded in year 2011, in Hangzhou, the capital city of zhejiang province. We are a comprehensive logistics service providing company specializing in export and import transportation , air freight, ocean freight, warehousing , supply chain management as well ...
Link First Global Logistics Ltd. (originally known as Link First Services) was founded by Mr David Lim in 1987. With humble beginnings as a freight forwarder from Hong Kong to various South East Asia countries, it has grown to become a one stop logistics service provider capable of handling ...
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