Groundwater overdraft gives rise to multiple adverse impacts including land subsidence and permanent groundwater storage loss. Existing methods are unable to characterize groundwater storage loss at the global scale with sufficient resolution to be relev
基于遥感的天津滨海新区土地利用覆盖变化分析 Analysis on land use and cover change based on the remote sensing in Tianjin Binhai New Area 热度: Sub-pixel mapping of urban land cover using multiple endmember spectral mixture analysis - Manaus, Brazil ...
global land cover products have historically been produced on an annual basis, often with substantial lag times between image processing and dataset release. We developed a new automated approach for globally consistent, high resolution, near real-time (NRT) land use land cover (LULC) classification...
Land Degradation Assessment in Dryland (LADA) is a project led by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations that aims to assess and map land degradation at different scales and levels, so as to understand its impact on land use. As part of the datasets created in t...
Land-use change is the cause and consequence of global environmental change. The releases of the Climate Change Initiative-Land Cover (CCI-LC) and World Karst Aquifer Map (WOKAM) datasets have made it possible to explore global land-use changes in karst areas. This paper firstly analyses the...
Biradar C M, Thenkabail P S, Noojipady P, Noojipady P, Li Y, Dheeravath V, Turral H, Velpuri M, Gumma M K, Gangalakunta O R P, Cai X L, Xiao X, Schull M A, Alankara R D, Gunasinghe S, Mohideen S.A global map of rainfed cropland areas (GMRCA) at the end of ...
Esri, the global leader in mapping and location intelligence, has now released a new online application, Sentinel-2 Land Cover Explorer. The app is structured around a web-based version of its own high-resolution global land-cover map, derived from European Space Agency (ES...
(2016). Factorial Kriging analysis and sources of heavy metals in soils of different land-use types in the Yangtze River Delta of Eastern China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(15), 14957–14967. Romic, M., & Romic, D. (2003). Heavy metals distribution in agricultural top...
A new Global Land Cover database for the year 2000 is being produced by an international partnership of about 30 research groups coordinated by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre. The database contains land cover maps with detailed, regionally relevant map legends and a global product...
Urban land expansion is one of the most visible, irreversible, and rapid types of land cover/land use change in contemporary human history, and is a key driver for many environmental and societal changes across scales. Yet spatial projections of how much and where it may occur are often limit...