Latifovic R, Zhu Z-L, Cihlar J, Giri C, Olthof I. 2004. Land cover mapping of North and Central America - global land cover 2000. Remote Sensing of Environment 89: 116-127. DOI: 10.1016/j. rse.2003.11.002Latifovic, R., Zhu, Z.-L., Cihlar, J., Giri, C., and Olthof, I....
Land cover mapping of North and Central America—Global Land Cover 2000 The Land Cover Map of North and Central America for the year 2000 (GLC 2000-NCA), prepared by NRCan/CCRS and USGS/EROS Data Centre (EDC) as a regional comp... R Latifovic,ZL Zhu,J Cihlar,... - 《Remote Sensi...
A new global land cover database for the year 2000 (GLC2000) has been produced by an international partnership of 30 research groups coordinated by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre. The database contains two levels of land cover information—detailed, regionally optimized land cover...
在昨天的文章《 土地利用数据质量最好的竟然是? 》中,我还遗憾Globe数据只有2000和2010两期,而且网站处于更新状态,原来是在放大招啊!!! 为推动利用地理信息监测全球地表变化,应对全球挑战,促进可持续发展,自然资源部在多年努力和技术创新基础上,组织制作了2020版30米全球地表覆盖数据。
Forest-cover change maps between 2000 and 2005 epochs were derived by image differencing (Sexton et al., in press; data available at The overall global accuracy was approximately 89%. More details on accuracy assessment are presented in the Results section. 2.2. Forest-...
3 GLC2000—Global Land Cover 2000 Product LULC general Dates 2000 Formats Raster Pixel size 1 km Thematic resolution 23 classes: 1 (a), 1 (ag), 15 (v), 3 (m), 1 (na) Compatible legends FAO LCCS, IGBP Extent Global ...
关于Global Land 30 官网: 是一个提供全球地表覆盖数据的官方网站, 它由中国机构维护并运营, 专注于发布和分发名为GlobeLand30的高分辨率全球土地利用/覆盖数据集。这个数据集是通过遥感技术和地理信息系统(GIS)进行处理和分析得到的, 旨在支持环境监测、气候变化研究、生态系统评估、...
全球30m地表覆盖产品Global Landcover datset 30-2010数据说明
It contains ten major land cover classes: cultivated land, forest, grassland, shrub-land, wetland, water bodies, tundra, artificial surfaces, bare land and permanent snow and ice, with two base-line years(2000 and 2010). A total classification accuracy of 83.5% was given by the third party...
O., et al., 2015, the dataset currently represents binary forest cover in nominal 1990, 2000, and 2005 years, or “epochs”, as well as gains and losses between epochs. Forest is defined as a minimum area of land of 0.27 ha with ≥ 30% tree cover—i.e., as land cover, as ...