Global Issues Exam單詞卡 學習 測試 配對 Theories 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 Symbolic Interactionist TheorySocial Conflict TheoryRational Choice Theory 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 42 建立者 sagesnider0 1個月前建立 分享 學生們也學習了 學習指南 AP Gov Unit 5 189個詞語 danica_anaya429 預覽 Barnett 1005 ...
Global Society(SYP 2450) Exam 1 77個詞語 Refugee by Alan Gratz 老師27個詞語 BIOL 354 Exam #3 Iowa State 65個詞語 BCIS Study Set for Final 117個詞語 ch 13 mcgraw 152個詞語 Psych Class 1 Quizlet Sociological Theories 44個詞語 The Progressive Movement: Goals and Key Figures ...
1 反常 2 气候 3 浪费 4 生态平衡 不知道嗎? 本學習集中的詞語(101) 污染 wūrǎn pollution 全球暖化 quánqiú nuǎnhuā global warming 反常 fǎncháng unusual; abnormal 生态平衡 shēngtài pínghéng ecological balance 分类 fēnlèi to classify; classification, type ...
1年前建立 學生們也學習了 nur 211 practice quiz 1 48個詞語 Praxis School Psychology 36個詞語 PBIS 1 老師10個詞語 Stats test 2 17個詞語 Mental Health Function and Brain Anatomy Overview 22個詞語 Transfer/Bed Mobility 37個詞語 psychology 475 exam 1 ...
Global Issues 2020 儲存 Greenhouse gases include: 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 Carbon Dioxide (CO2, CFC (Chlorofluorocarbons) and Methane (CH4) 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 17 Brooke_Diformato老師 Quizlet上的頂尖創作者 · Greenhouse Effect & Global Warming, Ocean Acidification...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含How many countries abstained from voting on the UDHR in 1948?、When is international Human Rights Day and why?、What is the name of the key human rights document of the post-WWII era?等詞語及更多內容的單詞卡。
curiosity about life in the present; emphasis on the achievement on individuals; examined worldly issues that were studied by ancient Greeks and romans artistic achievements renaissance artists rejected medieval styles, returned to greek and roman styles for columns, arches and domes, supported by merch...
PH 100 Chapter 1 22個詞語 reganmangold3 預覽 Determinant and Dimensions 15個詞語 Gracie_Kiser07 預覽 Fall 2021 - Cultural Perspec Global Health (NURN-310-OL) Exam 1 37個詞語 Unicornpup08 預覽 health disparities 1 22個詞語 Julz18 預覽 cultural issues 5 54個詞語 scott0525 預覽 GHS Chapter 3...
An agreement between countries that they will work together to help and protect each other, is called an? 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 seanfonti老師 Quizlet上的頂尖創作者 · 學生們也學習了 Quotes on Mao (in opposition) 7個詞語 AID 8個詞語 ...
Political Science Exam 2- set 1 20個詞語 Gabby_Dorsey6 預覽 Chapter 11 26個詞語 nrwmdxk57x 預覽 這個學習集的練習題 學習 1 / 7 用學習模式學習 The tendency to use one's own culture and practices as the standard when judging other cultures and people. 選擇正確的詞語 1 Social Conflict The...