GLOBAL ISLAMI BANK PLC Saiham Tower, House No:34, Road No:136, Block: S.E(C-1), Gulshan Model Town Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh Phone: +8809617176037 Fax: +88-02-222260968 SWIFT: NGBLBDDH DEPOSIT PRODUCTS: MUDARABA HASANAH (PROBABLE KOTIPOTI) MUDARABA TAYEBA (PROBABLE MILLIONAIRE) MUDARABA TA...
Global Islami Bank的未调整ebitda复合年均增长率(3年)无意义。在计算变动时,我们检测到最新值是负值,导致计算已无意义。. 查看Global Islami Bank Ltd的未调整EBITDA复合年均增长率(3年)趋势、图表等
NGBL - コードはGLOBAL ISLAMI BANK PLCに割り当てられています 国コード BD - コードはバングラデシュに属しています 所在地とステータス DH - 所在地を表します。2桁目の「H」はアクティブなコードを意味します 支店コード CTU - これが支店であることを示します Wiseでの送金...
Global Islami Bank上季度的 净现金(本·格雷厄姆)为-151.2十亿。 12月 2019至2023的财年Global Islami Bank的净现金(本·格雷厄姆)为 -100.7十亿 12月 2019至 2023的财年,Global Islami Bank的净现金(本·格雷厄姆)中值为-119.9十亿。 过去5年,Global Islami Bank的净现金(本·格雷厄姆)在1月 1970达到了 zero...
支行名称GLOBAL ISLAMI BANK LIMITED SWIFT代码(8位)NGBLBDDH 支行代码GCB 支行地址 ROAD 136, 34, GULSHAN 城市DHAKA 国家/地区孟加拉国 地图 关于 © 2025 银行SWIFT代码 最好的SWIFT代码查找工具 0.0071 链接 联系我们 关于我们 隐私政策 使用条款
Bank Code NGBL- code assigned to GLOBAL ISLAMI BANK PLC Country Code BD- code belongs toBangladesh Location & Status DH- represents location, second digit 'H' means active code Branch Code MTJ- indicates this is a branch office 80% of money transfers withWisearrive within 24 hours. ...
Bangladesh.rn rnPlease see below quick look at Our Company profile and scope of services. rn rnIn addition to the above, please read our introduction as follows;rn rnCOMPANY PROFILE rnrnINDEX Global Logistics is the trade mark in Logistic business, has been under a professional...
Chicago-based Devon Bank is one of a handful of banks in the US offering shariah-compliant financing options. The bank offers Islamic banking in 38 states and plans to expand it nationwide. Established in 1945, Devon Bank offers a wide range of commercial and personal banking products, includin... CHINA Bank of China Xiao Gang, chairman and president, Bank of China Chinas banks are problematic: Despite significant reforms, they sustain a high ratio of non-performing loans and low capital adequacy. Nevertheless, Bank of China stands out for its reforms. In 20...
Global Islami Bank的公允价值下行边际是-34.2% 相比竞争对手,Global Islami Bank的公允价值下行边际 (InvestingPro)基准如何? 我们发现下列公司与Global Islami Bank Ltd相近,它们都属于相关的行业。我们还考虑了规模、增长和各种财务指标,并将列表缩小到以下范围。 Global Islami Bank的公允价值下行边际 (InvestingPro)...