A AWS global infrastructure opera em 54 zonas e 18 regiões com planos para mais de 12 zonas e 4 regiões, além de outra nos EUA. Essas infraestrutura global oferece aos clientes da AWS uma maneira mais fácil e eficiente de projetar e operar aplica
AWS Global Infrastructure: Availability Zones, Regions, Edge Locations, Regional Edge Caches, Local Zones, Wavelength Zones, and Outposts Amazon Web Services is a global public cloud provider, and as such, it has to have a global network of infrastructure to run and manage its many growing clou...
AWS Global Infrastructure: Edge Locations Edge Locations是部署在全球主要城市和人口稠密地区的AWS站点。 它们远远超过可用区域的数量。 虽然Edge Locations不用于部署您的主要基础架构,如EC2实例,EBS存储,VPC或RDS资源(如AZ),但有些AWS服务(如AWS CloudFront和AWS Lambda@Edge)会使用它们来缓存数据,通过将Edge Locatio...
AWS 全球云基础设施是一个安全、可扩展且可靠的云平台,可提供来自全球数据中心的 200 多种功能全面的服务。无论您是需要一步在全球部署您的应用程序工作负载,还是想要构建和部署更接近最终用户的特定应用程序,使其延迟达到个位数毫秒级,AWS 都能在您需要的位置和时间为您提供云基础设施。
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) is one of the three core cloud computing delivery models. Just like Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), IaaS is billed as a utility on a per-use basis, enabling you to harness the power of enterprise-grade technology without...
除了Region,AWS在全球还有分布着数十个的Edge Locations。Edge Location主要是为一些亚马逊服务降低网络延迟和提高用户体验,比如CloudFront和Route 53。当用户使用这些服务时,他们的服务请求会被导向就近的Edge location,从而显著地降低网络时延。 最新的Region和Edge Location分布,请参考AWS Global Infrastructure。
Understanding AWS's global infrastructure One of the primary benefits of building your applications on the AWS cloud is that you can deploy globally in minutes. The global infrastructure is divided up into segments called regions. Each region is completely isolated from other regions,...
AWS Global Infrastructure: Regions 我们现在知道,Region是一组AZ,它们在地理位置上彼此靠近。 AWS已在全球范围内部署它们,以使其全球客户群能够利用低延迟连接。 每个Region将独立于其他Region,每个Region将包含至少两个AZ。 例如,如果位于伦敦的公司为整个欧洲的客户提供服务,那么仅仅由于其客户的延迟响应时间,在悉尼Re...
In this article, we will try to understand AWS Global Infrastructure. We will start by learning how users would actually interact with an AWS account along with the concept of AWS Regions, Edge Locations, and Availability Zones and how they are related.
AWS global infrastructureAWS management consoleAWS physical infrastructurecommand‐line interfacecontent distribution edge locationsgeographical regionsplatform‐specific developer SDKsRESTful web servicesMachine Learning in the AWS Clouddoi:10.1002/9781119556749.ch7Abhishek Mishra...