Firstly, we utilized GHS-B ( as our base dataset for mapping global urban and rural settlements. This dataset identified “any roofed structure built on the ground”, essentially human settlements, and provides their distribution ...
This paper explores changes in all `urban centers' (or `high density clusters') from this dataset across the world during the 1990-2015 period. We calculate a range of metrics for all such clusters, and summarize the results by country, region, size...
European space agency (ESA) globcover 2009 land cover Globcover 2009 (ref. 60) is a global land cover dataset provided as a tiff raster layer. Land cover data are useful to human population studies because land cover classification often categorises urban and agricultural areas, a useful proxy ...
the Gridded Population of the World (GPW), Global Rural Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP), Global Human Settlement Layer-Population (GHS-POP), or LandScan Population database because of spatial resolution and temporal frequency compatibility between the WorldPop dataset and the Meta population dataset. ...
Their proposed multi-model approach includes training a separate model for each UTM grid zone on the best freely available settlement dataset (i.e. local training). The comparison against the local training sets provided evidence for refined BUA detection of GHS-BUILT-S2. Taking the complementary ...
The aggregate potential for urban mitigation of global climate change is insufficiently understood. Our analysis, using a dataset of 274 cities representing all city sizes and regions worldwide, demonstrates that economic activity, transport costs, geographic factors, and urban form explain 37% of urba...
However, generating global (with regional decomposition) dataset for these parameters presents a significant challenge. In this study, the building footprint data were created based on the remote sensed, spatial repository of Global Human Settlement Layer. Following the approach proposed by Bódis et ...
The resulting World Settlement Footprint 3D dataset quantifies the fraction, total area, average height, and total volume of buildings for a measuring grid with 90m cell size. The World Settlement Footprint 3D is generated using a modified version of the World Settlement Footprint human ...
researchers from more than 10 countries18. Here, accuracy of the GlobeLand30 dataset was further evaluated by comparing it to the Global Human Built-up And Settlement Extent (HBASE) dataset using the method proposed by refs. 51,52. According to the box-plot analysis of the kappa ...
This Supplementary Information file contains the following three sections: relative accuracy of the WSF-Evo dataset (Kappa coefficients); settlement exposure growth at different flood return periods; country-level summary statistics. It includes two figures: Supplementary Fig. 1: Kappa coefficients for ur...