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Article Google Scholar McAlister CC, Orr K: A student's plea for global health studies in the medical school curriculum. Clin Invest Med. 2006, 29 (4): 185-186. Google Scholar Frenk J, Chen L, Bhutta ZA: Health professionals for a new century: transforming education to strengthen healt...
Google Scholar Huynen MMTE, Martens P, Hilderink H: The health impacts of globalisation: a conceptual framework. Globalization and Health. 2005, 1: 14-10.1186/1744-8603-1-14. Article Google Scholar Bateman C, Baker T, Hoornenborg E, Ericsson U: Bringing global issues to medical teaching...
Google Scholar 7. Ustun TB, Sartorius N. Mental Illness in General Health Care: An International Study . New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons Inc; 1995. 8. Sartorius N, Ustun TB, Costa e Silva JA. et al. An international study of psychological problems in primary care. Arch Gen ...
(Global Health Research and Policy) 【主办单位官网信息】 武汉大学《全球健康研究与政策》英文期刊为我国首个卫生健康政策专业领域的英文期刊,期刊创刊于2016年5月,合作出版商为英国知名出版集团BioMed Central。2017年10月期刊纳入PubMed检索,论文摘要或全文相继被纳入DOAJ、Springer、Google Scholar等数据库检索。2020...
Article Google Scholar Zhang X, Bloom G, Xu X, Chen L, Liang X, Wolcott S. Advancing the application of systems thinking in health: Managing Rural China Health System Development in Complex and Dynamic Contexts. Health Res Policy Syst. 2014;12:44.
Web of Science - SCIE (Impact Factor:1.719) Scopus (CiteScore:3.75) Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) Subject: Medline, PMC General: Ulrichsweb, Google Scholar, ProQuest Local: CNKI, Wanfang Data Following the acquisition of Atlantis Press by Springer Nature, this journal has moved to ...
Access to primary health care (PHC) is a fundamental human right and central in the performance of health care systems, however persons with disabilities (PWDs) generally experience greater barriers in accessing PHC than the general population. These problems are further exacerbated for those with ...
EBSCO 万方医学 Semantic Scholar NCBI 查看更多 相似文献Impact of global public health days on online health-information-seeking behavior related to substance use: An analysis of five-year data We aimed to assess the impact of GPSDs on online health information-seeking behavior related ...
Article Google Scholar Sharon T (2016) The Googlization of health research: from disruptive innovation to disruptive ethics. Personalized Med 13(6):563–574 Article CAS Google Scholar Sharon T (2019) Data-driven decision making, AI and the Googlization of health research, data-driven decision...