A Global Breakdown of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Sector In a few decades, greenhouse gases (GHGs)—chiefly in the form of CO₂ emissions—have risen at unprecedented rates as a result of global growth and resource consumption. To uncover the major sectors where these emissions originate, this...
- the sector's biggest emitter at the turn of the century - have fallen by almost 30 percent since 2000. Emissions from coal combustion The power sector is a major source of emissions due to coal being the most used source for electricity generation worldwide. Coal is the dirtiest of ...
Agriculture and land use are major sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions but previous estimates were either highly aggregate or provided spatial details for subsectors obtained via different methodologies. Using a model–data integration approach that ensures full consistency between subsectors, we ...
New Source Performance Standards for Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions From the Power and Refining Sectors: Wrong Mechanism at the Wrong TimeFor those interested in the intersection of global green-house gas (GHG) regulation and responsible energy policy, December 23, 2010, was a day worth remem-...
Absolute scopes 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions did not reduce between 2016 and 2022, but for the majority of industry groups in the dataset, the intensity of scope 1 emissions declined. The utilities, materials, energy, and transportation ...
Fig. 3: Building-material related emissions in the Baseline and High Efficiency (HE) scenarios compared with the 1.5/2 °C-compatible mitigation pathways. aGreenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared with the 1.5/2 °C-compatible mitigation pathways where the building material sector shares a pro...
Countries export much of the harm created by their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions because the Earth's atmosphere intermixes globally. Yet, the extent to which this leads to inequity between GHG emitters and those impacted by the resulting climate change depends on the distribution of climate vulne...
Technologies to reduce net emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide within the agriculture sector were reviewed to estimate the global potential for mitigation of these radiatively active greenhouse gases. Our estimates of the potential reduction of radiative forcing by the agricultural secto...
It provides a very comprehensive account of the array of proposals and economic instruments devised by the international community - including the Joint Implementation and Emissions Trading initiatives o... (展开全部) 我来说两句 短评 ··· ( 全部1 条 ) 热门 0 有用 红豆 2009-05-24 14:35...
K., Lal, R., and Penrose, C.: Greenhouse gas emissions and global warming potential of reclaimed forest and grassland soils, J. Environ. Qual., 38, 426-436, 2009.Shrestha RK, Lal R, Penrose C (2009) Greenhouse gas emissions and global warming potential of reclaimed forest and grassland...