Although fictitious, the song is set against the backdrop of a legitimate historical event. During World War I, in 1914, “The Christmas Truce” was initiated not by German and British commanders, but by the soldiers themselves. The length of the cease-fire varied by location, and was repor...
The green regulatory state, grounded in Levi-Faur's (2011: 14) concept of the regulatory state, propels social change by claiming “a legitimate monopoly over the deployment and distribution of power through rule-making, rule-monitoring and rule-enforcement.”3 The central argument is that the...
Thomas Guillot added: “Working with our new partners in China means our net zero focus and our action every day is now a truly global mission.” About the China Cement Association – CCA China Cement Association was established in Beijing in 1987. As one of the social organizations registered...
profit, cash flow, etc., both absolute and relative to peers; Special circumstances related to, for example, a new CEO in the prior FY or anomalous equity grant practices (e.g., bi-annual awards); Realizable pay8 compared to grant pay; and Any other factors deemed relevan...
We also are working with industry to develop a standard, Sender ID, to enable legitimate senders to more clearly distinguish themselves from spammers. The new security features in Windows XP SP2 and MSN also help frustrate spyware. Customers are given more robust control over the pop-ups and ...
Recently, as the stock market continued to fluctuate, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) has found multiple malicious short-selling cases, in which violators were suspected of manipulating the market and damaging the legitimate interests of investors, the regulator said...
endorsing proposals that serve to legitimate the institutional power of empire and advance the shift of power from people and communities to the institutions of imperial rule. A case in point is the call to grant the World Trade Organization the power to set and enforce uniform environmental and...
There is a need to engage in triple-E evaluation (Hinrichs-Krapesl and Grant, 2016) to explore the efficacy of the mechanism (impact), the relative efficiency of the model (impact relative to cost, comparing P3s to other approaches) and the equity of the impacts (the socio-economic and ...
GRANT THAT MY SUSPICIONS MAY PROVE GROUNDLESS. US. PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINCOLN Adherence To The Oath TO ALL READERS VIEWING THIS SITE: Yahoo/ Verizon has informed us that they will no longer be supporting this format, that we have built this website. Which has been here for...
(This is the Green Climate Fund that Trump is revoking Obama’s pledge to.) So before any nation takes Paris-based action to lower its emissions, it gets to see what the other nations are pledging to do. And along the way, every nation gets to see how faithfully the other nations ...