while providing an information base on which to develop natural resource policies or strategies for conservation. GIS datasets developed and compiled during report development are made publicly available for free download on the Global Forest Watch website (http://www.globalforestwatch.org/). We have...
Global Forest Watch is an organization that focuses on forest monitoring and conservation within the environmental sector. The company provides data, analytics, and tools to monitor forests, detect deforestation, and facilitate land use practices. Its services cater to conservation organizations, policymake...
Global Forest Watch (GFW) Display Near-Real Time Forest Cover LossSarah LakeManuela Rayner
了解森林的变化,是评价生物多样性变化趋势和制订有效保护行动的基础,也是公共政策及广大公众普遍关心的议题,然而国内一直都没有可供空间分析的森林分布及变化的公开数据.Hansen等于2013年在Global Forest Watch网站上发布了基于Landsat数据的30 m分辨率的全球森林变化数据集,第一次提供给研究者一套高分辨率的公开数据.我们...
(e.g., Global Forest Watch GLAD alerts). In contrast, fragmentation is not explicitly tracked and is less well understood21. While many attempts have been made to estimate global habitat loss1,12,24, there is but a single estimate comparing fragmentation across biomes20, and none comparing ...
A. Methods for Calculating Forest Ecosystem and Harvested Carbon with Standard Estimates for Forest Types of the United States General Technical Report (USDA, Forest Service, 2006); https://doi.org/10.2737/NE-GTR-343 Ruefenacht, B. et al. Conterminous US and Alaska forest type mapping using ...
Global Forest Watch: between the arctic tundra to the north and the temperate forests to the south lies a mosaic of mostly coniferous forest, wetlands, rivers, and lakes. Unfortunately, a project to accurately map these northern forests indicates that this once-believed endless sea of unbroken ...
Key Findings of Global Firepower Index 2023 - Know which country in the world has the strongest military, and topper the firepower report. Download notes PDF and prepare for UPSC 2024