lossyearYear of gross forest cover loss event. Forest loss during the study period, defined as a stand-replacement disturbance, or a change from a forest to non-forest state. Encoded as either 0 (no loss) or else a value in the range 1–20, representing loss detected primarily in the y...
中美两国森林覆盖率地图对比 需要特别说明的是:中国和美国的森林覆盖率基础地图数据都来自欧盟的Global forest cover 2020 项目,但中国24.02%的森林覆盖率数值来自中国全国绿化委员会《2022年中国国土绿化状况公报》 - 查理看世界于20241128发布在抖音,已经收获了219.9
Sannier C, McRoberts RE, Fichet L-V (2016) Suitability of Global Forest Change data to report forest cover estimates at national level in Gabon. Remote Sensing of Envi- ronment, 173, 326-338.Sannier C, Mcroberts R E and Fichet L V 2016 Suitability of global forest change data to ...
Consistent across epochs, the overall accuracy of the static forest-cover layers was 91%, and the overall accuracy of forest-cover change was > 88% —among the highest accuracies reported for recent global forest- and land-cover data products. Both commission error (CE) and omission error (...
“High-Resolution Global Maps of 21st-Century Forest Cover Change.” Science 342 (15 November): 850–53. Data available on-line at: Global Forest Change. 代码: var dataset = ee.Image('UMD/hansen/global_forest_change_2020_v1_8'); ...
The researchers constructed a high-resolution forest and non-forest sample database based on satellite remote sensing data. They realized automatic information extraction of global forest cover by using machine learning and big data analysis.
The mapped forested area (42 million km2) is derived from global forest cover data34; b Percent recoveries in plants, organic soil layer (OSL), and mineral soil (MSL) for 15NH4+-labelling (A, ammonium) and 15NO3−-labelling (N, nitrate) at the 13 sites. Abbreviated site names are ...
Belward AS, Estes JE, Kline KD (1999) The IGBP-DIS global 1-km land-cover data set DISCover: a project overview. Photogramm Eng Remote Sens 65:1013–1020 Google Scholar Brown JF, Loveland TR, Ohlen DO, Zhu ZL (1999) The global land-cover characteristics database: the users’ perspect...
Open access to global forest data, especially ground-measured (in situ) records, is critical for saving the world’s forest systems. Integrated approaches to achieve sustainable data openness will involve legal assurances, shared ethics, innovative fundi
Forest product market developments: the outlook for forest product markets to 2010 and the implications for improving management of the global forest estat... This chapter discusses estimating the biomass density of forest vegetation. Data from inventories of tropical Asia and America were used to est...