Human activities have notably affected the Earth's climate through greenhouse gases(GHG), aerosol, and land use/land cover change(LULCC). To investigate the impact of forest changes on regional climate under different shared socioeconomic pathways(SSPs), changes in surface air temperature and ...
Land change is a cause and consequence of global environmental change1,2. Changes in land use and land cover considerably alter the Earth’s energy balance and biogeochemical cycles, which contributes to climate change and—in turn—affects land surface
ROME, July 6 (Xinhua) -- Areas covered by forest shrank at global level from 31.6 percent of total land in 1990 to 30.6 percent in 2015, but "the pace of loss has slowed in recent years," the Food and Agriculture Organization (FEO) said on Friday. In its report "State of the World...
We identified eight modes of forest fragmentation based on the possible combinations of change (increase or decrease) in the three individual components of FFI (ED, PD, and MPA) and detected the area composition proportions of the eight modes for areas with decreased (ΔFFI < 0) and incr...
In the past 60 years, global forest coverage has decreased by 81.7 million hectares. This translates to a 60 percent decrease in per capita forest area globally, impacting the lives of 1.6 billion people. Furthermore, every minute, an additional 11 hectares of land are turning into desert glob...
Historical record of forest cover and forest cover change is important to account carbon emission as well as for modeling of global-scale climate change and its interaction with ecosystem. The earth observation data is one of few viable sources of historical forest cover change estimation. However,...
Consistent across epochs, the overall accuracy of the static forest-cover layers was 91%, and the overall accuracy of forest-cover change was > 88% —among the highest accuracies reported for recent global forest- and land-cover data products. Both commission error (CE) and omission error (...
2a,b). The (area-weighted) median ToE across the entire model surface ocean is 25 years. By comparison, the ToE is 20 years or less for less than 10% of the ocean for Chl2, underscoring that climate-change-driven trends in Rrs can emerge much faster than those for Chl, and on a ...
area and coastal stability, and shiftingerosion rates, desertification, and changes in weathering and carbon cycling on land. Geologic records show that similar consequences, and a wide range of others, have resulted during periods of past climate change, and model and proxy data may provide a ...
Fig. 1: Spatial extent of global land use/cover change. Share of the total land surface without (net change) and with consideration of multiple changes (gross change) between six major land use/cover categories (urban area, cropland, pasture/rangeland, forest, unmanaged grass/shrubland, non-...