Global Foot print Network.Ecological Footprint Atlas2009. . 2009Global Footprint Network. .Global Footprint network (2009), retrieved October 31, 2009 fromAndreas Schweitzer, Brad Ewing, Craig Simmons, Jane Hersey, John Walsh, Laura de Santis Prada, Miroslav ...
Spreadsheets are available to calculate the Ecological Footprint and biocapacity of 150 nations from 1960 through 2005. The database is divided into sections: Footprint Basics, Footprint Science, Partnerships, and Resources. Footprint Basics offers such highlights as the carbon footprint graph over ...
地球生命力报告2014-GlobalFootprintNetwork.PDF,2014 地球生命力 报告2014 摘要 . WWF地球生命力报告2014 摘要 14 生物多样性正在急剧下降,而我们对 自然的需求不断增长且不可持续。 全球物种的种群数量自1970年以来已 下降52%。我们需要1.5个地球才能满足 目前对自然的需
51. GDP data were extracted from the United Nation database ( Ecological footprint data were obtained from the Global Footprint Network ( Further details on the calculation are given by Lin et al.51. Supplementary Table5lists the ...
understand, quantify, compare, and contrast the sustainable attribute of the products their purchase. They are highly interested in reducing their environmental footprint. Therefore, brands need to contribute to this shift and integrated variables that can improve their communication and marketing ...
Human Footprint, the pressure imposed on the eco-environment by changing ecological processes and natural landscapes, is raising worldwide concerns on biodiversity and ecological conservation. Due to the lack of spatiotemporally consistent datasets of Human Footprint over a long temporal span, many rel...
Since the concept of Ecological Footprint was proposed, the carrying capacity and sustainability mechanisms of human socio-economic systems have begun to attract attention (Rees 1992; Wackernagel et al. 1999). The Carbon Footprint is one of its most important conceptual extensions. Although many sc...
model into the global MRIO model using the same approach1,17,18. Theoretically, this method of combining different MRIO models is equivalent to assembling a network and has the properties of transparency, modularity, and efficiency42. However, the quantification of global carbon footprint can be ...
plots revealed strong agreement with the Human Footprint maps. We anticipate that the Human Footprint maps will find a range of uses as proxies for human disturbance of natural systems. The updated maps should provide an increased understanding of the human pressures that drive macro-ecological ...
Economic footprint We define the value-added decrease of all firms in a network caused by an exogenous negative shock as the disaster footprint of the shock. For the firm directly affected by exogenous negative shocks, its loss includes two parts: (a) the value-added decrease caused by exoge...