International Engagement to Enhance Global Food Security: An Example in the Republic of KosovaSince 2011, personnel at Iowa State University (ISU) have been engaged with the southeastern European country of the Republic of Kosova (more commonly known as Kosovo). The purpose of this engagement has...
Supportedby GlobalFood SecurityIndex 2022 Supportedby GlobalFood Security Index2022 行业报告资源群 微信扫码长期有效 微信扫码行研无忧 免责申明: 本内容非原报告内容; 报告来源互联网公开数据;如侵权 请联系客服微信,第一时间清理; 报告仅限社群个人学习,如需它用 请联系版权方; 如有其他疑问请联系微信。 1.进...
Extraordinary events such as large volcanic eruptions or nuclear war could cause sudden global climate disruptions and affect food security. Global volcanic cooling caused by sulfuric acid aerosols in the stratosphere has resulted in severe famines and political instability, for example, after the 1783 ...
while the core importing countries have been relatively dispersed. Food self-sufficiency is particularly low in developing countries as a whole. In Africa, for example, more than 30 countries are net food importers.
inputsthatfarmersuseontheirfarmsandinthe“firstmile”(thesegmentthatlinksfarmerstothenearestmarket),showthatagriculturalinputshaveseensomeofthebiggestincreasesinGFSIscoresinthepastfewyears(albeit,fromaverylowbase,asthesearesomeofthelowest-scoringindicatorsintheindex).Forexample,scoresmeasuring commitmentstoempowering...
Food safety, nutrition and sanitation; Stability, environment and climate change (resilience and ecosystem services). The type of articles the Journal publishes is: Strategic views of experts from a wide range of disciplinary perspectives on prospects for ensuring food security and nutrition, based on...
Harvest failures, temporary export restrictions and global food security: the example of limited grain exports from russia, ukraine and kazakhstan. Food Security 6, 727–742 (2014). Article Google Scholar Giordani, P. E., Rocha, N. & Ruta, M. Food prices and the multiplier effect of ...
The effects of COVID-19 on food security differ by products and countries/regions, varying on the degree of labor intensity in farm production and government mitigation efforts. For example, the aggregate volume of agricultural production in Southeast Asia was reduced by 3.11%, or 17.03 million ...
The Example of Standards for the Food Sector Chapter © 2022 Keywords Standards Certification GlobalGAP Thailand India Trade Agrifood 1 Introduction In the last three decades, a transformation of the agricultural sector in the developing countries has taken place. The relative importance of staple cro...
Here we review the factors affecting the introduction and spread of pathogens and current disease control strategies, illustrating these with the historic example of the Irish potato famine and contemporary examples of soybean rust, wheat blast and blotch, banana wilt and cassava root rot. Our ...