Detailed weather forecasts for China and the world, temperature, wind direction, living index, precipitation and visibility, etc., as well as 30-day forecasts, extreme weather disaster warnings and global satellite images.
"Extreme weather andclimateevents, interacting with exposed and vulnerable human and natural systems, can lead to disasters." Ondrought, the SREX finds: "There is mediumconfidencethat some regions of the world have experienced more intense and longerdroughts, in particular in southern Europe and We...
public datasets can be used to improve global access to forecasts of extreme events in global rivers. On the basis of the model and experiments described in this paper, we developed an operational system that produces short-term (7-day) flood forecasts in over 80 countries. These forecasts...
In addition, Pangu-Weather is excellent at forecasting extreme weather events and performing ensemble weather forecasts. Pangu-Weather reveals the potential of using large pre-trained models for various downstream applications, showing the same trend as other AI scopes, such as computer vision26,27, ...
The extreme heat across Canada made May the hottest on record for North America and contributed to the third warmest May for the globe. Earth just experienced one of its hottest months of May of the past 172 years, but parts of Canada were so...
Extreme weather events will be more frequent and intense, including heavy precipitation and related flooding and cyclones. Nearly all ecosystems will face high risks of biodiversity loss, including terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and marine ecosystems. Accelerated sea level rise will threaten coastal citi...
Make Forecasts of Extreme Weather Conditions More Precise! Our goal is to calculate high-resolution weather models for the largest possible areas and refine them with the innovative measurement technology of our weather drones. This approach has been proven to lead to unprecedented accuracy of weather...
Even though climate change involves much more than warming, it is the name given to a set of physical phenomena. It is a long-term change in weather patter
The frequency and intensity of extreme heat wave events have increased in the past several decades and are likely to continue to increase in the future under the influence of human-induced climate change. Exposure refers to people, property, systems, or other elements present in hazard zones that...
Assessing the Radiative Impacts of an Extreme Desert Dust Outbreak and the Potential Improvements on Short-Term Weather Forecasts: The Case of February 2015. Atmos. Res. 2019, 226, 152–170. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Nabat, P.; Somot, S.; Mallet, M.; Michou, M.; Sevault, F.; ...