【Valorant】G2 vs KRÜ Esports比赛集锦|VCT2024美洲联赛第一赛段 525 0 31:16 App 【Valorant】Team Liquid vs NAVI比赛集锦|VCT2024 EMEA联赛第一赛段 524 0 31:37 App 【Valorant】DRX vs T1比赛集锦|VCT2024亚太联赛第一赛段 400 0 19:21 App 【Valorant】Karmin Corp vs GIANTX比赛集锦|VCT202...
感受一下印度的VALORANT线下赛 Global Esports是印度比较活跃的一个电竞组织 http://t.cn/A6S5oCeA
Related:Riot schedules over 40VALORANTtournaments as OFF//SEASON approaches Maryville Esports’ in-game leader Adam “ec1s” Ecclesvoiced out a complaintfrom around the region, stating that a majority of the nine events across EMEA are region-locked. Other places like North America,...
The Valorant team of Global Esports has recently made news after Abhirup “Lightningfast” Choudhury used a live stream to discuss player pay. In light of this information, Global Esports’ Valorant lineup’s financial structure and pay scheme may now be better understood as the team gets ready...
t until relatively recently that eSports as a professional form of competitive video game play grew in popularity, with video game developers often organizing and funding many of the most popular eSport tournaments, which involve games such as League of Legends, Dota 2, Counter-Strike, Valorant, ...
无畏契约是拳头的一款射击游戏,这款游戏在国际上已经举行了多场赛事,有很多队伍参加,比如GE战队,那么无畏契约GE战队有哪些成员?下面就给大家带来无畏契约GE战队成员名单。 无畏契约GE战队成员名单 ID:SkRossi 姓名:Ganesh Gangadhar ID:skillZ 姓名:Jayanth Ramesh ...
Game Changers has had a huge impact on VALORANT Esports, especially in EMEA. G2 Gozen have led the charge, previously participating in the Challengers DACH promotion/relegation tournament, and we’ve seen players such as ‘devilasxa’, ‘didii’, and ‘Thu’ ...
Valorant: Three core pillars — competitive integrity, accessibility, and authenticity — will guide the growth of the esport to ensure aspiring pro players will have a fair shot to reach the highest level of play through merit-based competition.
【Valorant Global Finals】A Close Game FPX 1-2 Lost to TH 在第一張地圖中,FPX 和 TH 雙方勢均力敵,顯示出 FPX 在第 2 階段休息期間準備得非常充分。面對 TH 的第二次挑戰,他們在第一張地圖上展現了同等的實力和結果,儘管在加時賽中僅僅輸掉了比賽。他們迅速調整並贏得了第二張地圖 Bind。不幸的是,...
【Valorant Global Finals】大哥混亂!Leviatan 2-0 擊敗 TALON 今天的監獄水療中心並不是孤軍奮戰!雖然kiNgg是一名煙霧玩家,但他在位置戰中的表現出乎意料地好。另一方面,TALON 可以說完全依賴大哥primmie,使其無法與 Leviatan 的雙核策略競爭。他們很快以 0-2 的敗績落入敗者組。