short-term forecastssocial self-regulating systemsworld orderThe COVID-19 pandemic is likely to become one of the turning points in the transformation of the world order, as well as many political, social and other relations in the World System. Undoubtedly, we live in a fast-changing world,...
[Note to readers: I am deep in writing a trilogy of eBooks with a tight deadline. So I have decided to bring back some columns from the past, that many recent new subscribers might not have seen. Since I am a futurist, I am called upon to make forecasts. My firm commitment is to...
Breast cancer (BC) is one of the major public health challenges worldwide. Studies that address the new evidence on trends of BC are of great importance for preventing and controlling the occurrence and development of diseases and improving health. The a
2.6.2Sub-SaharanAfricacountryforecasts93 B3.1.1Investmentandoutputgrowthduringandoutsideinvestment accelerations129 B3.1.2Economicindicatorsduringandoutsideinvestmentaccelerations129 B3.1.3Policychangesandreformsduringinvestmentaccelerations130 A3.1.1Investmentaccelerations:Distributionovercountrygroups133 A3.1.2Listof...
Third-quarter GDP reports reveal a mixed global economy. China faces an economic slowdown; the United States sees growth; and the eurozone is stable. The IMF forecasts a slow but stable global trajectory into 2025.Global growth is expected to remain sta...
InnovestX Unveils Global Economic Trends and Investment Strategy for the Golden Dragon Year 2024, Forecasts SET Index at 1,650-1,700 PointsTuesday 16 January 2024 12:53 InnovestX Securities Co., Ltd." the financial investment flagship of the SCBX Group, discloses its investment strategy for ...
Delivering the keynote address at the HSBC hosted economic forum, Central Bank Governor of Sri Lanka, Nandalal Weerasinghe, articulated the monetary board’s commitment to economic stabilization and controlling inflation. In a candid reflection on the past year, Weerasinghe drew attention to the Centra...
Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article ‘Arbeitskreis Konjunktur’ in the DIW (Study Group ‘Business Cycle’). World economic trends: Global economy under the shadow of financial and currency crises. Economic Bulletin 36, 3–12 (1999).
Research and Webinars Request Follow Up Track Economic and Business Performance. Anticipate Market Shifts. Drive Growth. Assess Risk. Purchasing Managers’ IndexTM(PMI®) Anticipate changing economic and market trends and use PMI as a barometer for economic performance and business conditions. PMI da...
Research and Webinars Request Follow Up Track Economic and Business Performance. Anticipate Market Shifts. Drive Growth. Assess Risk. Purchasing Managers’ IndexTM(PMI®) Anticipate changing economic and market trends and use PMI as a barometer for economic performance and business conditions. PMI da...